Posts by Brent Jackson
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(if they have the good sense they were born with!)
Nobody is born with good sense (or common sense). It is all learnt.
but he's hard-working and I don't think he's a bad guy.
Amen to that. Every Western Bays community event I've been to in the last 17 years (including tree planting in the pouring rain), Graeme Easte has been there, mucking in !
(I might add that I think the subsequent fairly orderly development of boutique licensed premises in Grey Lynn bears out my view of the matter.)
I cannot see any reason why this could not also of happened if there was a licensing trust. Not all licensing trusts went the route of those in West Auckland.
In fact, it is likely that there would be a wider range of outlets if they didn't have to compete with supermarkets.
Hmmm. I suppose I agree with Graeme on this one - but there is little point in re-hashing it now ... sorry ... I'll toodle off to bed then ...
The thing that pissed me off the most about the last Banks-CitRats Council, is they decided to sell the Auckland Airport shares. So, in accordance with law, they had to consult with the ratepayers. Only 1.5% supported selling the shares. So, now that they had legally consulted, they ignored the result and sold the shares anyway !
That, to my mind, is a criminal act.
It made a mockery of the consultation laws, and reveals the consultation to be a huge waste of time and money, and little more than a PR exercise.
(All the council employees were mightily pissed off too. And afterwards there was a huge drop off in responses to consultation requests)
But you use a pseudonym so you are, by definition, obscure ...
Well said InternationalObserver. The Mayor does stuff-all towards implementing policy. Banks' statements makes it seem that he doesn't understand that. Since he's already been Mayor, I guess we put it down as JMB (just more bullshit).
Everybody lambasted Christine Fletcher because she seemed wishy-washy and didn't get anything done, and now they're saying the same things about Hubbard. It is not the Mayor who gets things done - it is the council.
Brent. -
I thought Steve Crow's profile was very well written. But then Banks' profile looks utterly reasonable too, if you were unaware of his ability to talk utter bullshit.
I am definitely in the "Anyone but Banks" camp, and have decided to back Hubbard. At least there will be a bit of continuity if he was to get in. Another new mayor will take longer to get to grips with the role, and at least we know that Hubbard is diplomatic. Let's face it, probably the most important role of the Mayor is greeting foreign dignities - the Mayor only has a single vote on council, just like every other councillor.
I too cannot bring myself to vote for CitRats. After the total mess they made of Auckland's finances in the 90's, they have zero credibility with me. What astounded me was that the Western Bays community board only has 8 candidates for 5 positions - 3 CitRats, and 5 City Vision - what sort of choice is that ? (I wonder if Hobson's choice is any better ;-).
Brent. -
So what happens if 2am Sunday week arrives without a patch? In most cases it will probably simply be an irritation. Rather than setting a time zone, you'll have to manually adjust the time on your computer.
And then do it again a week later when the old Daylight Saving time kicks in ?
I LOL'd this morning when I heard on the news that the new pan-Christian party had schismed already.
So true to form ... "The Life of Brian" remake anyone ?
At they mention Biman :
Biman (5.2%) was designed to complement spicy cuisine at a local curry house. I call this beer “The People’s Champion” because of its incredible popularity at beer tastings. Biman is teak coloured with a lovely nose of lime and pine needles. It has lashings of tropical fruit flavours (lime, grapefruit and mango) balanced with a firm dry finish.
Is this the one you were thinking of ?