Posts by Rob Hosking

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  • Hard News: Networking takes a back seat,

    Has anyone noticed that cows often congregate around the milking shed .I see they don't need help to get there. I wonder if they want human contact?

    Simple. Feed. A lot of farms, certainly the one I grew up on, give a bucket of meal at milking time.

    There was also a definite hierarchy in the yard: a bunch of older cows would insist on being milked first.

    It would work the other way if the vet was coming after milking, and the gates would be set so the cows walked back into the holding yard. As soon they saw the gates set that way the older cows would know what this meant - injections! - and would hang down the back, shoving the heifers up the front.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    the pixies have never been confirmed

    >but that would make the entire grunge movement >a hoax...

    the Zen approach to consciousness


    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    I know some librarians who would probably like to make balloon animals with your intestines for saying that. :)

    Too bloody right.

    Don't ever get caught up a dark alley facing a mob of chain-wielding, flickknife flashing librarians.

    Look out! The Dewey gang's here....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Honorary Donor,

    And this reply would make me the third man.

    You know,. I've been humming the 'hharry Lime Theme' all day after this thread...

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Honorary Donor,

    I don't.

    I'm a burnt out case.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    everything in Auckland is swanky.

    or, according to a bunch of Cantabrians I met once, something which sounds pretty similar to 'swanky', anyway.

    This whole business about Owen Glenn will be now be endlessly commented on by various journalists interviewing each other, as part of the pre-determined Fin de siècle media narrative for the government. That's the hardest bit for me to swallow....As a party worker, I find this so incredibly frustrating.

    Tom, I know some National Party people who felt the same way in 1999. The economy had turned at the end of 1998; the hard stuff was over, and they knew they were on the way out and felt incredibly frustrated the media had written them off.

    It's part of the deal.

    As for Owen Glenn...honorary consul?? He wont' get a bloody Ford Consul now.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Honorary Donor,

    Ahh, getting to the heart of the matter, I see, Juha....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wellington, you win,

    also have never been able to get my head around non-Aucklander's obsession with Auckland, especially as it's not reciprocated. We tend not to notice or really care.

    Very true. Some years back when I was living in Auckland: a bunch of us went on a tramping trip down the South Island. Drove form Picton to Queenstown. We'd often get asked, at stops, where we were from - when we said 'Auckland' the response was usually 'well, won't hold that against you'. Almost word-for-word, almost every time. Delivered as if it was both the funniest line ever and also a deep sociological truth. The first time it was slightly amusing, at a stretch, but by the 20th you start having to forcibly stop yourself from rolling your eyes.

    I'm a farm boy originally, lived in Auckland for 10 years but never really felt part of the place, and I'm a Wellingtonian now, by choice. I love it here. [deep down, though, I still feel like I'm a farm boy]. Auckland's got a lot of memories, not all of them terrible, and a lot of friends and family. I like visiting. Just don't want to live there.

    But, again, there's that chippiness some Wellingtonians have about Auckland, although its nowhere near as bad as you get further south.

    Around the time I moved here some figures had come out which showed Auckland got more rain than Wellington. Got reminded of this rather a lot. Again, found myself clenching teeth and muttering must not raise eyes to ceiling.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wellington, you win,

    No ice rink though. They've tried to get one up and running, but its struck resource consent problems I understand. Can't call yourself a real city without 60 x 30 m of frozen water.

    Actually, the trouble was getting the ice to set flat. Every time they tried it kept getting wobbly because either the wind or earthquakes.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Island Life: More time with the family,

    but if you suggest that the Nats is not one big happy family in step behind Daddy John you get shouted down by the mob.

    1. Where is anyone suggesting the Nats are one big happy family?
    2. What shouting?
    3. What mob?

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

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