Posts by Islander
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Sigh. And Rob Stowell had such a *nice* terminal roffle response!
3 suggestions Kerry (this matter is dear to my heart because I have nephews in that age-group):
* know how to use a stick (totally legal, helpful in all kinds of situations, and a very good fighting weapon; there are good teahing schools for joduko/taiaha;)
*carry a nice little spray bottle of ammonia mixed with chilli powder
(this is not illegal and is very good against aggressive dogs too; actually, I'd reccommend this for *everybody*-*if you are fraught areas, make sure your cellphone is permanatly on & recording (some will also have alert/alarms-)
(blushes- I * did* have that whisky and wasnt reading with total insight-) -
Um Kowhai- I have no religious viewpoint (I am an atheist) and
"women in NZ now have a choice to only bring life into the world when they can and want to make the sacrifices necessary to raise a child"
- I am SO in agreement with this! As are my 2 midwife sisters!
I was actually referring to Grant Dexter....
I am amazed at the way a stalwart religious person attempts to tie definitions down to his own constrictions & constructions while steadfastly ignoring all scientific, rational & truely logical inputs- but what an incredible waste of time & effort!
Shakes head. Goes, has a whisky. Determines that never again shall I be involved in such a futile exercise (*tho'- many thanks to all the patient scientific folk who improved my knowledge on this thread, and the other women & men who shared their deep information. Kia te hauora!)
Excellent post and a sad, sad reminder that, while all of us, from newborn to ancient-of-days, die, it seems worse & harder when it's a growing kid-
I note that people can also 'lose' live children - to mental illness, estrangement - and have no Guardian Angels to help.
"OK -so it's my body I can kill myself if I want - right?"
As far as *I* am concerned anyway (and naturally, I would have due concern about my duties and responsibilities as a family member, as a friend - but ultimately, it would be my decision to make for me.)
And Peter, I have borrowed it, with proper attribution, because it is a succinct literate and effective definition & distinction - you may find it elsewhere but I will always put it in quotes, with your name as author-
cheers n/n Islander (who really hasnt organised an unholy alliance between peripatus & hagfish...I mean, sheeesh?)
Leechs! Leechs! I haz leechs! Like the carnivorous worms we got into Ireland only much much better!A kind of mutant peripatus combined with hagfish! Waua! O Grant once they get your vile humours drained off you'll feel (whistles) *so* much better ! Even now, they iz humping their way to you!
Russell, is mark taslov a bandwidth-waster or what?