Posts by 81stcolumn
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I'd submit that East German + woman + 1970's + gold medal is actually a pretty good basis for making a determination...
In an isolated context this example appears pretty compelling, but place it against any number of Americans, Russians, Brits et al. and the issue becomes not one of spotting the cheat but only recognising the ones that were conspicuous by their success.
It makes an assumption about spotting sub-cultures; that we are able to be objective and have consistent access to quality information. I would propose that these criteria are pretty hard to meet and I think Mr & Mrs Landis would agree.
Probably all you need to know is that Ramzi and Baala (like Marion Jones and Nick Willis) have never failed a drug test. So snip away!
Which is what I hoped you would say. I have grown quite weary over the last few weeks poining out to people that it makes no sense to suggest that some are cheating and some are not. The plain fact of the matter is we do not know who is and who is not cheating until they get caught, and that using culture, race or indeed google as a basis for argument is a pretty poor means of making such determinations.
Snell - meh....
Baala, like the winning "Bahraini" has North African origins, which is athletics shorthand for "drug cheat". ;-)
May I encourage you to elaborate on or qualify this comment. I would hate to get snippy over a misunderstanding.
Just in case you can't get enough of Mark Watson.
In his defence he actually does know stuff and unlike many is genuinely well informed......dare I say it a genuine enthusiast, fan, etc. etc.......
Great Olympians ?
Try these:
But my favourite remains Daley Thompson 10 events, one gold, he managed it twice.....
not a critic not some educated scientist, but a fan
And these are exclusive contingencies ?
I know a few that might take issue with that.........
Then you haven't heard of colemanballs ?
A coach needs to be able to understand and communicate a higher technical understanding to his smaller but more focussed.
Which in turn permits the assumption that being a player allows one to develop;
i) In depth understanding of the game
ii) The ability to communicaate effictivelyThe former only marginally likely and the latter very unlikely IMHO.
Besides, is this all there is to coaching ?
Would you rather ex-players commentate or coach ?
I thought that was the reason that the USA arms Israel?
Does this mean that Georgia is arming someone else?
And so on?I guess my rather poorly articulated point is that this is next to Europe, not South America or the Middle East. Europe, where they have enjoyed two world wars and the cold war in the last 100 years. Not a lot of love went down over Iraq. This isn't a great leap forwards for that "special" relationship.