Posts by Islander
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Don Christie, I went & reread the petition, and because it clearly states that the petition is only about the first goal, signed it. The *loaded* part for me comes under the DRM goal ('copying texts for educational purposes.) I've fought several minor battles to retain electronic copyright for short stories & poems.
Yes Jackie - and much other luscious stonefruit as well-
Danielle - the price is now between $8 & $11 a kilo, depending on variety, at roadside or orchard.One of the geat pleasures of summer.
I would happily sign a petition that wasnt quite so - loaded.
Kia ora Peter - o dear. I love that track and - I forgot its real name. Senescense looms-
Oooo, Several Small Animals Grooving In a Cave With A Pict- I really must get out my ooollllldddd LPs and get'em into other formats...'and the wind cried Mary'-
Dear Jackie
(smiling a dreamy entirely non-enigmatic cheery cherry smile)
it was meant with lurrrve- -
I've driven several 1000k over the last wee while,& although the festive season was really good in parts (paticularly at Oamaru & the awesome limestone country just south of Waimate) there were sadnesses and gaps, and it was good to get back to the beach. But there were still things missing...
One of those has just arrived: envy me! I have 2 kilo of Totara lowland cherries & I'm devouring them!
(Hey, I'd share if you were here...)
O bugger. Doing something wrong. Wont persist.
(quote)>ountry calendar was the worst offender, i tell ya. or was it the sheep. and the dogs. never mind.</quote)
I worked as a producer trainee/director when NZBC TV split in 2, and I tell ya, what was never shown about the dogs & the sheep would've destroyed entire minds let alone brain cells...
Sacha - many thanks for the tip.
Mark Harris - not everyone wants an agent. Or needs one. They cost (between 10-20% of a signed-up book) and the relationship either works or - as in my case- doesnt.
I am well aware that there are many creative people in PAS.