Posts by Brent Jackson
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Hard News: Taxpayers' Union: still…, in reply to
Or possibly they were fed...
Fixed that for you ...
Hard News: Greens drug policy 2: the…, in reply to
It also amuses me that the entire point of many medical drugs is to kill animals.
Good point.
Hard News: From Zero: The Meth Episode, in reply to
Yeah, and there are plenty of people like you. But the overall rate and nature of problematic use is a real showstopper.
Like alcohol then ...
Here's Eric Crampton's opinion of the select committee.
Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to
You also had to understand “when making the number below one million” as “when making the number, which is located below, one million”
I may well have failed because of this. The logical solution is to cross out the one, because it asks to cross out a number (I don't think 0000 is a number). However, I would have crossed out five zeros, to leave 100,000 to make the number "below one million".
I suspect that question 12 contains a typo, and the line should pass below circle 3 and above circle 4. However, I would have drawn a line out of the top of 2, around 1 and under 1,2 and 3, between 3 and 4 and then above 4 to 5. But the pedant in me would want to drop a line out of the bottom of 2, go straight through the middle of 3, above 4 to connect to 5.
The second sentence at the top of the paper would make it very easy to fail people who take a precautionary approach. We don't know what are acceptable as correct responses, but it is obviously an appallingly designed test.
Up Front: Giving It the Bish, in reply to
... a $25,000 fine for providing false information.
Wish this applied to cabinet ministers as well.
Listening to the radio the other day, it was obvious that most people still do not get it. A seclusion room could be useful for a child to get away, and have some quiet time (maybe the school library could be used for this). To my mind, the key question is "Was the child free to leave the room and return to class of their own volition ?". If so, then the room was probably being used properly. If the child was locked in, then the room was probably not being used properly.
New research from The University of Western Australia has found strictly enforced speed limits could have a detrimental impact on road safety.
Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to
... and risking a whole lot of automated death? What is so horribly inefficient about having a human driver?
Manual death.
Autism, diabetes, deafness, ... all the same sort of thing, eh ? </sarcasm>