Posts by Gareth Ward

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  • Hard News: The new wave,

    There's some interesting study in here about being first to a story and the order in which reporting unfolds.

    Because even well after it became clear that hundreds of people were killed and villages destroyed in a country which is pretty "close to home" for NZ, the leading points of discussion still centred around ZOMG I WONDER WHAT THE SURF AT GIZZY WILL BE LIKE?

    And I really don't believe that as a whole we are that self-centred and shallow.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    Oh sure, those Lincoln students were making satirical political commentary on Nazi self-importance and the complex layering of the Final Solution.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: The new wave,

    (OK, its not the Tutukaka thing, which is actually an interesting take, but still...)

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: The new wave,

    This is the real issue isn't it?

    Quietly amazed about how people continue to go on about strong outflows in Tutukaka when 40 people just got killed.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bill's Troubles,

    Ross, there are rules about taking back money from trusts in cases like Blue Chip. Petrecovic (sp?) had money that he obviously moved to a trust for protection stripped back.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bill's Troubles,

    What stinks is English moving his entire family to Wellington and then claiming that his "home" is in Dipton.

    This to me seems like the obvious test - is it really that difficult? You have a "first" house which is your main home (various quantitative tests could be put in place) which the taxpayer has nothing to do with. Any secondray home, either in Wellington or an electorate that is necessary only because of your work as an MP can then be subsidised.

    Am I missing the nasty fishhooks in that somewhere?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Discussion: Closer to Home?,

    When I come back to NZ, I know that my UK experience will be looked upon highly

    By this do you mean the work that you were able to do in the UK? I say this just because I come across people who seem to believe that simply because their job was in the UK it was great and amazing and valuable to a company in NZ - which is normally not the case.
    But certainly if you've been able to get a level and exposure of work otherwise unavailable in NZ then it can be of value.

    Didn't read the Your Views, don't need that sort of downer on my day right now.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Save the King's Arms,

    The underlying principles of:
    - Incentivising "good" bars with more lenient opening restrictions, and
    - Different opening hours for different parts of the city
    are ones that I'm all for.

    I'm not convinced that the definition of "good", the hours, or the parts of the city are properly defined here but I certainly appreciate the intent behind it. And so long as "entertainment" areas are definable on an ongoing basis by a local ward, I'm not sure that a "good" bar in a residential area shouldn't be closing down at midnight (see, you don't even need a 12 Graeme!). We certainly need more entertainment zones up front though.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Freeviewer Diaries (1),

    Graeme, cheers for that. A few eps into a four-seasoner I can handle and might even (gasp) walk up to the (quelle horreur!) rental store for the first season.

    Cause torrenting kills Americans-without-health-insurance apparently...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Freeviewer Diaries (1),

    Where is Battlestar Galactica up to in the reruns? And could you start from here and still "get it"?
    Never saw it either...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

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