Posts by Glenn Pearce
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That does not sound like a random, miscalculated shot to me.
I have to say that was my initial thought as well but Naitako was still in the Van
From the photos, the cab of Naitoko's van is directly behind (and I mean directly behind) where they describe McDonald as being on the back of the flat deck.
A "pass through" , complete miss or ricochet seems most likley.
You'd then have to question the officer shooting with that backdrop.Very, very unlucky for it to be a direct hit in the chest though.
I'll wait for the full facts to emerge.
why did the police not take down the offender earlier when they had the chance?
There was one "eye witness" report in the paper of the offender barrelling through a roadblock while 2 police officers "chatted".
Sort of Dukes of Hazard / Gumball Rallyesque was the picture painted.
I sincerely hope that wasn't the case
Bugger, I even previewed that.
7pm tide
<italics> grandparental refuge at the end of Pt Chev Rd. Phew. <italics>
Good tide tonight too, go for swim until it clears. It was gorgeous last night.
I've been writing banking software since '98, and IMO it's not that big a deal. Sure, it's non trivial and probably expensive to implement, but you wouldn't need any technological breakthroughs, just a lot of coding. In effect, we would have three times as many bank accounts, and inter-system protocols would need to support three values rather than one transaction value.
Mikaere, for what it's worth, I've been a software developer for over 20 years too so I've got a rough idea about this sort of stuff thanks. The point is not whether it's "technically" doable or not but the COST involved would be horrendous.
The introduction of the Euro and the period where most of the Euro countries had to support dual currencies would be the best comparison. This is not limited to the banking system, it's every single piece of software that records $ values. Every Retail POS system, every Accounting package, every billing system, virtually every corporate database would need to be changed.....
The downside is that this system requires some pretty significant IT infrastructure to make it seamless integrate across the entire economy, but I do not expect this to be by any means prohibitive.
You mean like replacing/re-writing/upgrading every single computer system in the country that deals with any sort of monetary transaction ?
That shouldn't cost much should it ?
My analogy of the Public Address System, is that its like a leafy suburb, peppered with state housing.
A bit like Pt Chev ?
Despite the outcry from the left about the use of urgency, the actions may be interpreted on the other hand by the electorate as the new government just getting stuck in and more or less doing what they said they were going to do...
Isn't that what the country voted for ? (well about 1/2 the country give or take)
Yes, you can make money off an asset by renting it out, that's stretching 'investment' a long way.
My late grandmother made all her "investments" at the TAB, bless her.
34 - 20 actually
Great result for RL. Loved the way the poms got in behind the kiwis.