Posts by JackElder
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I have a t-shirt that says "a a" in braille, but only when it's cold out.
Thanks for sharing about those walnuts Jack :)
Cyclist, you see.
After having four babies, I see my breasts as more of a utility thing, rather than sexual objects.
I have a similar outlook. These days, I now view my buttocks as more a convenient way to keep the small of my back from sliding into my thighs (and, in extremis, as a handy mechanism for dealing to walnuts), than a sexual object.
Jack (and TracyMac), so reading your discussion, shoulder and outside bicep are tolerable and possibly pleasurable for newbees to tattoos? Any recommendations for artists in Akl? What's the consensus on pain of line-work vs. colouring?
I wouldn't go as far as pleasurable, but the outside bicep was certainly a relatively easy spot. Plus, it's easy to both conceal or reveal, and it's a pretty traditional spot for your first ink. In general, I found that the closer to the underside of the arm, the more it hurt. But, y'know, the pain's pretty temporary, the ink's permanent. Also, everyone experiences pain differently - I've had friends who said that their ink didn't hurt at all, while the best I've got to was "only somewhat painful".
In general, line work is more painful - it uses a smaller needle cluster, so it feels more focussed. Shading/fill is usually a bit easier.
Artist recommendations: depends on what sort of tat you want. Most artists specialise in a particular style, so knowing what you want is a good step. I highly recommend going to see their studio and looking through their portfolios, to check their previous work. Plus it can give you a good hint on whether you actually get on with the artist (more important than it sounds). Expect to have to book a couple of months in advance (could be worse - Paul Booth apparently has a 2-year waiting list for his work).
In Auckland, Sacred Tattoo has a very good rep. They tend to do more old school stuff than I like, but they have a good reputation for turning their hand to things. But if you're in Auckland in November, it might be worth popping in to the Auckland Tattoo Convention on the 14/15th Nov at the Viaduct Harbour boat sheds. Lots of artists from around the world, including a number from NZ/Aus - a good way to get a taster of the styles of things available, chat to a few artists and collectors (trust me, most people react well to "man, that's a great tattoo - can you tell me who did it?", which is a great way to find out who does the sort of stuff you're interested in) and generally see what's out there and what you can get.
Do you ever read your old work and have a strange feeling you are reading something written by another person?
I get that about stuff I wrote six months ago.
My wife used to sing with the Cambridge University Musical Society. Yes, they did use an acronym. Some of them had a sense of humour about it.
Actually, if anyone wants a decent dose of endorphins, actual pain, and physical exertion, I'd highly recommend long distance cycling. After the first 150k you get very relaxed about pretty much everything, I find.
I'd like this on a t-shirt.
History is awesome, there's just so much of it,
And getting more all the time.
how to get their (under one-year-old firstborn children) into "good schools" so they could get "good degrees" and therefore well-paid jobs and being looked at like I was the prophet of Satan when I said I'd rather my kid just found the thing that made him happy
I've had some fairly interesting conversations with people who couldn't understand why I'd send my daughter to the local decile 7 school, when there's a decile 8 school only a kilometre further away. "Because we can walk to it more easily and her friends go there" isn't what Good Parents do, apparently.
Funnily enough, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
Heavily tattooed, for me.