Posts by Amy Gale
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which is worse:
1. downloading american photo for pamphlet, which 99.9% of electorate won't even notice origin of
2. spending $k on getting a photoshoot done when you could have bought one from the net for $20, and saved the taxpayer a lot of money.
Seriously. What is the preferred photo-obtaining mechanism? Maybe:
3. Take a photo of a family that receives a benefit. Don't pay them: they owe us. Stand behind the photographer with a cattle prod to 'encourage' them to smile. Give them a kilo of cheese if they behave themselves.
3'. Ditto the photographer, actually.
Where do y'all shop for non-Mom jeans??
(Disclaimer: not actually jeans)
My leaving-the-house pants are mostly Fin and Plush (mmmm, love you Fin, love you Plush). My not-leaving-the-house ones are mostly American Apparel 'relaxe pants' (I initially assumed it was a typo in one store, but it seems to be the actual name). -
Mmm, now I want a cheese-and-pineapple hedgehog. And maybe a cheese+marmite mousetrap. And a wedge of jelly-set-in-orange-peel.
Anzac biscuits seem to occupy the sweet spot of the effort vs expected enjoyment graph for Americans eating Kiwi food. You may, however, be subjected to the accusation that they are "just oatmeal cookies". (A prepared history lecture will not only answer these accusations but discourage future ones ;)
Well, I just finished swatching for this - does that count?
FletcherB's story about Brigadier Lowe triggers a memory from Primer 1, wherein Mr Wright the Visiting Traffic Officer asked us littlies how one could tell if someone was married.
"Because they're called 'Mr' or 'Mrs'?" I ventured.
Nope, that wasn't it, because people could call themselves whatever they liked. Apparently, the way you could tell someone was married was that they wore a ring on this finger.
I seem to recall that when I went home and reported this new tidbit to my parents they pointed out that people who were free to use whatever name they wanted were certainly capable of making their own jewellery decisions. Nobody ever explained to me why you would need to tell if someone was married. Especially in preference to learning how to cross the road/wear our seatbelts/etc.
Still, it is rather nice when strangers on the phone call me Miss or Mrs Watson. You take respect where you get it, even if it involves a same-sex marriage and auditory transgenderism. :)
It's also super-awesome as a telemarketing-detector. "Mrs M? Sorry, you have the wrong number. Bye. <click>"
Would dearly love to also do "Mr M? Sorry, no Mr M here." [only Dr M]. Sadly I suspect this might filter out too many legitimate callers.
Actually the best telemarketing detector is the little pause when you pick up the phone. I hang up if nobody responds to my initial greeting. Normal people ring back, telemarketing computers don't.
That's my point. Vintage had a specific meaning and it has now "been repurposed by the snob classes" to refer to anything bought secondhand.
Although, to be fair, when someone is rude about your beautifully hideous eBayed paisley dress it is kind of nice to be able to drolly say "but it's vintage" and make them stfu.
And what with FoTC burning up the TV (psst, Amy, how do you think I watched the whole first series? Let's just say in bite-sized chunks)
Ah, but see, we explicitly wanted to be counted in any network measurements of People Who Watched It.
Not that our puny contribution mattered in the end. Hooray for them. (But a small tear for my chances of ever again wandering down to Mo Pitkin's House Of Satisfaction of an evening and getting a door ticket to a small-room Conchords show...)
We do in fact have a TV at home, but we only use it for DVDs.
Our line is "we do in fact have all the premium channels, but we only got them for FotC".
What? You're saying that FotC is over and there won't be another series for more than a year? Sorry, you're breaking up, I can't hear you.
Oh, it's not too late to resurrect the lost tangents and shuffle the discussion back to the real issues...
Good, good.
Very partial to Len Lye myself. Recently(ish) found The cheekygirl10 Guide to Len Lye (YouTube), which I enjoy a great deal. Wonder if Trilogy is not shown because they visited about the same time I last did, when it was not on display, and if so whether her dad was as sad about that as I was.
Amy (is in ur gallery, whirling ur...KTHWANG!)