Posts by Emma Hart

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  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    That owuld be, "it's NOT the John Thomas..."

    Heh, that's okay, that's what I read. Good old end of year stupor.

    Not necessarily an activity confined to women only, of course.

    Indeed. Part of my perspective comes from the fact that for five years my partner was the main caregiver for our children, given the amount of time I spent too sick to crawl out of bed. He gave up work to do that, and it wasn't easy. It was also eye-opening, and I ended up getting very defensive about people giving him the hairy eyeball for being in the park with his own daughter.

    But yes, with all the caveats about how the experience is more common to women, and therefore it's more likely to be women who hear that caring work voice and recognise it.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Boarding the funeral barge,

    And for the record, the only way the EMPU is going to influence my vote is if Andrew Little agrees to role-play Mellors to my Constance Chatterly. Which would constitue a corrupt practice, just not in the sense intended by the Electoral Act.

    Tell me you're never, ever leaving us, Craig.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    Could mean nothing more than more of the higher profile lit-bloggers are women just because they do better work, were early adaptors for all kinds of reasons etc.

    I honestly don't know. I did at one stage have a whole bunch of writer blogs on my list, but every now and then life demands I make cutbacks, and Jane Espenson stayed because she posts frequently (I don't know where she finds the time), and she's a good read. Every writer group I've belonged to has been about 80% women, it just seems to be an activity that attracts females. I'm not feeling very profound today, though: a side-effect of mopping vomit, I think.

    I wonder if I'm the only one here who's ever been bundled into a car at midnight and then driven to a gang HQ to listen to guys making me an offer I can't refuse.

    I think you're right, I think we may have dated.

    Don't cringe away, ever, from your female perspective

    I'm really not a cringey person. But I'm really honestly not sure how much my 'perspective' would be different with a schlong.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    And I know it's true, because I HAVE


    NOT true.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    There can actually be a kind of callousness about discussing real people solely in terms of what you believe they politically symbolise.

    There can, and it would be the fastest way to get yourself a verbal wedgie, if those people felt like calling you out. I suspect they're there not doing that a lot more than people think, especially if you assume every single pseudonym you run across is yet another middle-class straight white male AND you think that means you know what they're thinking and what they've experienced.

    See, that's why I like reading women bloggers. I like the personal, and the intimate, and the funny.

    You mean like David H?

    I have two different lists of 'blogs' in my bookmarks. One includes sites like this, NRT, Jane Espenson, Ms Naughty, Che... The other is personal, light, less political (but never non-political) - Xanga and Livejournal blogs which are a mix of men and women. I'm not saying that there isn't a gender bias, but just that I find the intimate=female thing a bit of an over-simplification. And ironically, I got interrupted there by my sick daughter and lost my train of thought... Anyway, if you like that, try reading some personal male blogs. Or some way of saying that that doesn't sound in the slightest bit snippy or patronising, because I'm really not trying to be.

    That's a killer post, and it collides with something that's kept me away from many PA discussions and lead me to post in frustration in others: the tendency to talk in symbols, seemingly because real individuals get complicated and confusing real quick.

    Yeah... I keep running into this block where I have this huge allergy to generalisations, but when I want to draw things to the specific, I hit privacy issues.

    I've had people say to me, 'oh, but if you'd had traumatic experience X you wouldn't think like that'. And I know it's true, because I HAVE. But I'm hardly going to tell a stranger all about it just to score points in an ironically pointless internet argument.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Stories: Christmas,

    Confusion: you're almost as concerned as I am, or you sound like almost as much of a redneck as me?


    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Stories: Christmas,

    A christmas in Wales

    And so I hear the rest of the story in the dulcet tones of Dylan Thomas...

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Stories: Christmas,

    I need eyebrow-singeing and cat-injuring context, dammit.

    I tried to turn this into an entertaining story in my head, but in fact my dad was drunk, my cat was digging in his veggie patch, so he shot it. Frankie did survive: he was one of those kick-arse ginger toms that are built like Sherman tanks, and it was only a .22.

    There was an amusing story about the time all the piglets escaped just before my mum had to pick my dad up from rehab, but I'm concerned about how much I'm starting to sound like a redneck. Almost as much as Danielle.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    Ahem... just to clarify my clarification: I was actually attempting to explain away the limitations of my own stupidity. Breast jokes, if any, were completely unintentional...

    I'll shut up now before I inadvertently say anything worse.

    Fair do's, I should stop winding you up in public.

    But actually, my initial email encounter was a bit of an eye-opener for me in terms of prejudice I hadn't noticed. Every one of my female on-line friends freaked out that there was some guy I'd never met offering me stuff. The level of paranoia was so high that poor David got branded 'my stalker' for about a year.

    Because he was a man on the net. And they're all creeps and pervs.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    In person, it would be completely impossible to mistake you for a man -- even allowing for my failing eyesight...

    Dude, way to make me blush.

    The last time I was out on the turps I met this guy who was a friend of the lawyer who kept showing me her nipple piercings. He felt it necessary to constantly reiterate his opinion on the excellence of my breasts. After a while I said to him, listen, I'm starting to feel a bit diminished, it's like you can only see my tits. He thought about it quite seriously for a minute and then said, 'you have a nice stomach too'.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

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