Posts by Gareth Ward

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  • OnPoint: Budget 2010: What’d you expect?,


    I'd like to do that. I've got interest from others. Haven't actually put any work into it yet, but this is part of my plan for 2011.

    Would love to know if and when you do so I can join the fun. I'm sure I can serve the tea and biscuits or the like...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Budget 2010: What’d you expect?,

    funded by pretending tomorrow will never come.

    Does anybody know of a lobby group for the taxpayers of 2035 or similar? Seriously - a media-savvy group that could actually point out the implications of policy and tax decisions for any 30 year old who actually intends to still be around NZ in their 50s could be quite effective. Let alone pointing out to the baby boomers what they're doing to their grandkids young adulthood...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    I look forward to ACT decrying the denial of full property rights to citizens who had them taken by physical force...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Pass the crisps: UK Election watch,

    "Speaking on the BBC election boat, property guru Kirsty Allsopp says she thinks David Cameron will become prime minister, but doesn't want to work for him."
    I'm sorry, the what now?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Up Front: Boobs!,

    it did dawn on me that if there is a giant earthquake anywhere in the world tomorrow (or the next day) there will be a whole lot of "I told you so" coming from Iran

    As the author has said though - it's not the boobs et all that cause earthquakes, it's the adultery from corruption that causes earthquakes. It's just that THAT is caused by boobs.

    Hussy Science 201 explores the statistical patterns of boob/quake lag I believe.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Up Front: Boobs!,

    Hussy Science - surely there was a Russ Meyer (sp?) film by that name?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Catching up with the future…,

    Interesting re quality - will check it out. Because even full screen on a laptop at the highest bandwidth setting is "fine" but a noticeable decrease from broadcast TV.

    The test I did re the web player on the PS3 was at least 6 months ago though.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Catching up with the future…,

    What's the quality like on the OnDemand though? Better than the website?
    Because you've been able to watch OnDemand through the web on the PS3 for sometime now (something TVNZs engineers were convinced wasn't possible until my boss, who was working with TVNZ at the time, pointed out that he'd done it the night before!) but even at "high quality" the full screen image was pretty ropey.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Misadventure and Muppetry,

    The "public space as well as a cruise ship terminal" vibe really %*&s me off though...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Misadventure and Muppetry,

    Yeesh Sacha, I guess you're against it then... =)

    Totally agree about the cruise ship barrier to the view (the transparent ghost ship is hilarious). But I'm not really against the overall idea here - even the pulling down of the sheds, an architectural form that I quite like because it's so very Kiwi. But to call them heritage seems a real stretch?
    It's the need for the masterplan that is partly why I'm OK this - we "got the wharf back" because of the RWC lovefest but we actually get a chance to do something from scratch once that's blown through town.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

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