Posts by Stephen Judd
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In the context of being leader of the Nats, what does this mean? What is he saying here?
That Key need not accept money from corporate backers to finance a National campaign, because he has enough of his own. And the corollary is that Brash did need to.
Which is a damning admission on Brash's part, I must say.
Well this is the thing. Obviously the "Asian" community are owed an apology (scare quotes there to indicate the silliness of lumping all those disparate ethnicities together), but so are all the other readers whose minds have been polluted with a bunch of stuff that isn't really reall true.
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...Can I combine this with the Word of the Year thread?
His portrayal of Takapuna was lugubrious and unprepossessing - a triumph of verisimilitude.
my 3rd form keyboarding teacher would have words with you, young man!
No she wouldn't. She'd be writhing on the floor owing to all the blows from the rubber mallet.
When I control all the keyboards in the world, people who put two spaces after full stops will be hit on the head with the automatedrubber mallet attached to their monitor.
The other day I was wandering along K Road at lunchtime when a perky young person thrust a tube of toothpaste at me. It was EXTREME toothpaste apparently.
I expect extreme toothpaste to abrade your teeth away leaving bloody pulpy gums, but the significant feature of this toothpaste was a mild orange flavour.
Re the vote on the foreshore and seabed act, I hope that's a principled stand against state alienation of private (in this case Maori) property rights. We'll see...
I just get the impression he doesn't really have any underlying philosophy at all.
Good. That would be a return to the practical, pragmatic, maintain the status quo view that informed the National Party of old. The traditional National Party line has never been much more than keeping the socialists out.
*since the Labour Party aren't really socialists any more, this explains why the Nats can't keep it together. The etre has left their raison.*
That wouldn't explain how Hager was able to get copies of Nationals internal polling results, schedules, minutes of meetings, and interoffice memos, let alone the emails between Keenan, Long and Sinclair.
If I understand DPF and his commenters today, Brash has a address which he doesn't necessarily read, and this may be the one to which certain emails were sent.
So perhaps the compromise is not at Parliament, but at National Party HQ.
If Hager was being sent e-mails in electronic form, the record will be there as clear as day in the National Party e-mail server logs.
There are more ways to get the goodies than cracking an email server.
Perhaps someone lost their laptop, or perhaps they *cough* left it in a conference room last night, goodness how careless of me, I do hope no union sympathisers were on the hotel cleaning staff.
I should think a capable person could obtain all they wished if they had access to a laptop overnight. And given the prevalence of insecure wireless networks... hmm, has anybody sniffed around National Party HQ for insecure wifi?