Posts by hamishm
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You will invoke the wrath of God.
That sounds like Farmer and I vaguely remember something about Ralph the GS.
Farmer was very popular when I was at University but seems to have faded away. He may have died which can be limiting for a writer. What was his Cowboy story featuring Satan who had a 50% bonus in the trouser department? "The Jungle Rot Kid on the Prod"? Maybe. -
"Course we had it tough and never had no Thunderbirds toys, had to make our own enema tubes. But we were happy.
Why was the Thunderbirds film so lame? One could no longer see the strings on the actors but the dialogue was substantially the same.
And finally, isn't the rise in interweb rudeness a sign that end times are near????
There's a bit in Foreskins lament where Foreskin tells someone why the new blokes are different (might even be F's catechism) and he says "We've been Vonnegutted". It was true for me, I can never see the phrase "Breakfast of Champions" without smiling.
The story from one of Trouts books, that I love concerns red-haired aliens who come to earth. The communicate by tap-dancing and farting. Unfortunately the first person they try to talk to is a drunk in a bar and since they are 2 inches tall, he thinks their leader is a match and trys to strike him on the side on a matchbox.
So it goes. -
And just to curry it up, Unconscious Fear Of Death, hehhe.
It is the conscious fear of unconscious fear of death that is the real problem.
There will always be arseholes in life, trying to stop them using the interweb is a good aim but fruitless. And as Russell points out, everyones got a button, somewhere everyone goes off the edge sometime. A forum that I go to has strong moderation and people get banned, permanently, quite regularly. Now a group of the banned and some who bravely keep their tempers when confronted with facts, have set up a rival board that is virtually unmoderated. Unfortunately it is the lamest, saddest place in the world where whining neo-cons gather to... whine. perhaps an alternate interweb is needed.
And now it's gone, where, why??
Wotcher Riddley. look my Eusa picter is here!!!
Old buggers can do technology -
Yes that would about cover it, you'd think. Obviously this is beyond American right wing pundits and their acolytes.
Now Little Goofballs are apparently getting their knickers in a twist about Nancy Pelosi wearing a headscarf.Then they insist that it about whether she should be in Syria or not.
Those people are weird in a very bad way
It is the pride in that weirdness that is so very unsettling. The apologies in the Carroll case were all very muted and in a couple of cases people commented that they stood by what they had said at first.
Would the Marines have had a briefing before they went off, about how to act if the were captured? The British Harrier pilot who was captured in the first Gulf War and came to NZ last year said that he had training for just that.