Posts by Raymond A Francis

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  • Hard News: Rolling back the right to silence,

    I want a dragon too. small would be best but who wants to look in a dragon's mouth

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Old Left?,

    Yes it would be interesting to have a true left wing party
    But it would surely need Hone to get it into Parliment, the electorate really isn't that left leaning,
    Mind you lets test that comment by putting it to the voters

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Yes,I had to laugh at the "no speaking part"

    So where is the Opposition this, having a dollar both way?
    Howls that our laws are up for grabs to the highest bidders
    Or howls that the gummint let the billion film plus jobs get away
    And where is Mr Goff?

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    This has been nagging at me for some time
    Since when has the business that is being black listed been the one that breaks the news that the black list has been listed
    I can't believe that the sort of people who post at "The Standard" just to give an example of the Trade Union mind set, would ever believe a notice like that from the boss/tory class

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Sorry Gio.
    Both sides need to take a deep breath and start again

    Unfortunatly it may be a little late for that and I would not underestimate the damage that may have been done to the union movement

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    giovanni tiso does't like the way Sir Peter spells
    What does he make of the smi-literate self serving ramblings of Helen Kelly

    Apparently the banners "lift the boycott" were ready and printed for the impromptu protest last night. Some addressing the meeting new the boycott had been lifted. I have emails from Warners dated Monday I can show you if you would like to come and see them (they are confidential - but I can show you in person).

    Damaged the union movement - only if people like you dont check your facts


    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday in Super City,

    Let's hope for everyone’s sake that Auckland can finally get its shit together
    Hopefully the time is right and you have the right people in charge

    As for light rail systems bring it on; I have just spent 2 months in Europe mostly in smallish cities that are so well served by integrated systems that it makes you want to weep for what we don't have..yet

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Busytown: Front, man,

    There must be something extra special about the Gracewoods
    I don't think this is news to readers of PAS

    But you did stand up to a bully Ben and of course we know about Jolisa's work against plagiarism

    It is easy to make noises about these things, harder when it might hit you in the pocket
    Unfortunatly I never got to see you Ben because the host always has pissed me off..sorry

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Busytown: Front, man,

    Nice one, actually it is better than that, it is excellent

    Except I notce we XL miss out again

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GST Punt,

    The thing that has struck me about this debate though is how BRAINWASHED by neo-liberal orthodoxy large parts of the population has become, where the efficiency of the tax system and purity of the economic model is now the dominant consideration in thinking about taxation.

    Coming late on this but I think Tom has a valid point on this

    On his other point on a communial or cooperative companies selling fresh fruit etc.
    Having been involvedas a sharing holder wth 3 or 4 of these and being presently in France where they are quite common
    Can I say when set up they are great but what seems to happen with time is they get captured often by the workers but sometimes by the money men and then the they just work for them and not the consumers
    I am going to do battle with the french railways in a moment, great system but there is a feeling that it is really just for the benifit of the boys wearing grey suits, stand in line, move to the correct line, wait ages,open at hours that just suit the workers not the customers
    All the stuff we used to have to put up with in NZ before the 80s
    not sure if we want to go back to that

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

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