Posts by Nobody Important
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Looks more like a headless chicken to me.
So whatever happened to The Headless Chickens? Can C4 do a Where Are They Now? show? (God knows MTV won't)
Everytime I see Fiona MacDonald on TV with that perky false smile I wince ...
The Register demonstrated some time ago on how the use of "liquid explosives" was impractical ... So the whole premise for banning liquids is somewhat unfounded.
Good god man, did you not watch MacGuyver?
And yet, as far as I am aware, cigarette lighters are still 'free to board' so to speak
I hope these air marshalls are on the lookout for flatulent muslims. Three or four of them lined up at an exit door with a lit match could presumably take down an entire plane ....
Plus the pilots could still ram their own aircraft into a building if the feeling took them..
Which is exactly (well, almost) what happened on an Air Malayasia flight pre-9/11. The Pilot nose-dived into the ground. Authorities covered up the cause of the accident, I think blaming mechanical problems, to explain the vertical nose dive which 60 Minutes (I think) proved is impossible to do unless the pilot wants to.
I remember the first time I ever got binned by the licence people.
Yes, that Govt department were quite an outfit. When a new flatmate moved in she stupidly (but dutifully, she was quite the sheep) went to the Post Office and filled out a change of address form. Back in those days the form consisted of several copies, one of which went to TV Liscencing. They checked the address she was moving to and saw that no liscence fee had been paid for our address. So they sent her an invoice, based on the premise that everyone had a TV until they proved otherwise.
It took some effort on my part to convince her to write in and say we didn't have a TV, because we did, and she thought everyone should pay their taxes. Obviously I didn't agree which was why I gave a false name and address when I bought the TV, since retaillers would also dutifully notify TV Liscencing of who had bought a TV.
Soon after moving in she began making her own dinners and eating them in her own room, where she had no TV. Perhaps she thought that would protect her when NZ's version of The Stasi kicked down our front door, burst into our living room, and discovered our 21" Thorn TV.
Now I'm no scientician ...
Hey! Now that's a word I can use!
Love it! It's right up there with Truthiness!
oh yeh, and thanks for the link to the Dawn Raid story (just back from OS so I missed the weekend papers). In that story it said:
The brothers [Adeaze] were no longer managed by Dawn Raid but Tupa'i said he was trying to find out if they were still contracted to the label.
No doubt Mr Grigg can clarify this, but I'd imagine if the companies were wound up the artists would become free agents? Small compensation if they're owed money by DawnRaid unfortunately.
and has anyone told Mr Grigg he got nary a mention in the piece **60 Minutes**__ did on Pauly's 'comeback' last month? I doubt it screened in Bali. (and hence I doubt he cares)__ -
an album in Wal-mart or the like is still around $10-12 and a iTunes album (average tracks 15) is just under $15.....and you get a CD to do what you like with.
Now if they made the iTunes album $7.and that's the kicker right there .... you pay as much for a downloaded album as you would a CD. And the record companies are claiming they're being hard done by? What do they actually do for their (rather large) share of the pie anymore? Aside from lobby governments for protection?
As someone else noted earlier - imagine downloading an album for $2 ... sales would skyrocket. -
If Dawn Raid is around much longer Dubber...
eh? what? tell us more! (have they done a Deepgrooves?)
no fscking link!?
So that's how we spell those words here? I wondered what the protocol was. On a lighter/more serious note (take your pick) ... as a kid I remember taping "Money Money Money" by ABBA off 1251ZM (me so old) on a Wednesday night at about 9pm if I remember rightly. It was the first play of the song, a 1ZM exclusive. By the following morning my sister and I had learnt all the words and let everyone in the playground know oh so nonchalantly that we had the new ABBA single. And we could sing the words to prove it.
Clearly we were groundbreakers in pirate technology as ABBA's career subsequently went into decline.
Altho' Bomber will no doubt blame Graeme Hill's/Flying Nuns ABBA tribute album instead ...
yup it was Annie and Bunny!
Hey, it's 'nice' so I won't quibble ... but I will point out that when Rick Ellis talks about providing local content they show NZ Idol and Dancing With The Stars. I guess McDonalds must qualify as traditional kiwi kai now then. And how current is this clip? Has Ralston been deleted yet?
CAN WE GET THIS CLIP SHOWN IN EVERY NZ HIGH SCHOOL? It might stop our teens from believeing the myth that TV is a glamour job!!