Posts by Richard Llewellyn

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  • Hard News: We'll find out where all the…,

    "I think in the olden days there was a lot to be said for driving around looking for parties, and of course parking up your car in certain places and discussing what you'd seen or heard."

    Too true - McDonalds car-parks tended to be the 'parking up and chewing the fat' locale of choice. The fact that drivers could get their licence at 15, but couldn't go to the pub until 18, meant that there was roughly 3 years of motorised, non-pub, entertainment to be found.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,

    On the Swingers 'Counting the Beat' (refer Ripper Records page) I was very pleased to note that it is still a staple with kiwi primary school kids, being part of our local school music curriculum.

    That ageless chorus is nice and easy and catchy for the kids to go along with (and it sure beats High School Musical, which tends to fade in allure after the 275th listen)

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: We'll find out where all the…,

    You are absolutely right that all-in parties aren't anything new - one of my friends had his ear literally bitten off by a deranged gatecrasher -one of dozens - at his 21st party in Stokes Valley, for having the temerity to tell him to buggar off - we all ended up with torches out in the garden looking for his ear - not the end to the birthday we were expecting.

    Word of mouth travelled by phone and by, well, word of mouth in those days, but the effect was still the same, just the medium changes.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,

    Peter said "As if it's not bad enough I have a 12 yr old son who's a Liverpool fan, now I have you walking in here showing me the hand. Was the 2006 FA Cup Final not enough for you, do you want my hubcaps too?"

    Heh - that would be 'Gerrards Final'. Your son has immaculate taste by the way.

    Why so many Hammers fans here? - My view from 'oop north' is that Hammers fans are usually either football purists, incurable romantics, east London wide boys, or blessed with a stoic nature able to withstand enormous disappointment for the brief taste of glory. Great result against Bolton - they could do it.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,

    Nah - not taking the piss, for 'Hammers' my glazed over eyes read 'Toffees' - apologies.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,

    Yeah sorry Hamish/Heather - in my anfield glee I was way too eager to look for Everton fans to rib - props to the Hammers and hope you live to fight another day.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,

    Gawd, I've even got Zamora, Hammers and Everton mixed up. Time to go to the pub maybe .....

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,

    Hmmm, my very little football joke would be much better if my Gravatar had actually changed. Nee mind.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,


    I didn't realise that you were both Everton fans - been a tough week, eh? Off to Athens we go.

    Just for you I've changed my Gravatar - best footy chant I've heard for awhile, sung to the tune of 'Yellow Submarine', "We all live in a Robbie Fowler house, a Robbie Fowler house ....)

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Part 23: Bye Calypso,

    Yeah, thanks Guys, I've enjoyed the CWC updates (Richard Irvine love your work).

    Still a bit bummed about the lost opportunity for NZ, but - (adopts appropriate stoicism) - could have been much worse. A tournament that is sure to become a stone cold byword for something, just not sure what.

    Bring on the winter codes, eh?

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

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