Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: Settle a bet,

    And as far as TV goes, The Simpsons replaced The Bible some time ago as the source that has a quote for any occasion.

    The Simpsons (and to a certain extent Seinfeld) has usable speech patterns as well. For example:

    I want you to [verb] that [noun]. (shakes fist) [veeerrrbbb] it!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Settle a bet,

    In my defence, I have kids...

    heh, yeah I was just thinking there are gonna be kids who will be saying that around their offices when they grow up.

    Except my poor kids who will be watching nothing but Star Wars, Indiana Jones and a collection of Bill Murray films.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Settle a bet,

    When me and my friends quote films it usually in relation to some real life event. "Mother Pussbucket" "I've got a bad feeling about this" etc. I also don't like people who quote movies simply as a reference. It's a bit like people who quote Shakespeare.

    You're a wizard, Harry.
    Wingardium leviosa!

    Please sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the thread :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Settle a bet,

    "...And my axe!" doesn't do it for you?

    Nah, it doesn't have the same versatility as "There is no [whatever], only Zuul"

    "Do you have any regrets?
    Garfield... maybe"

    I can't argue with that one, I loved that film

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Settle a bet,

    Oh, 'and this one time, at band camp...' AP 2 - 2001. Yuss!

    I think technically this came from AP1

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Settle a bet,

    Of. All. Time!?!
    Ahem: Casablanca. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Gone with the Wind. 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    First let me acknowledge how weird it was to write this using the quote tags.

    Casablanca, GwtW and 2001 all do have great quotes in them, but do they have enough? 2001 might be the closest of that lot.

    Of course I had forgotten the Monty Python films and in general. Let us gather together a great number of shoes!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cancellation Notice,

    We won't be funding Carnival next year. But we're happy to spend $75k on setting up a pointless bureaucracy that will totally fail to hold a carnival.
    Way to go.

    Then I ask, is that the fault of the council or the trust?

    As for the DomPost, is there ever an easier story than "don't you hate the council?"

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cancellation Notice,

    Cuba Street Carnival - clarification
    Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast has denied as “absolutely untrue” reports that the 2011 Cuba St Carnival has been cancelled because the Council is not committed to funding it and is spending money on the Rugby World Cup instead.

    The Council has been working with the Cuba Street Carnival and Fringe Arts trusts since last year on forming a new trust focused on delivering and developing events for emerging artists in Wellington.
    Mayor Prendergast says the Council committed $75,000 toward helping establish the trust and has not received any formal funding request for the 2011 Cuba St Carnival.

    “As far as the Council is concerned we are still working with the trust and a report detailing the steps to establish it is being finalised at the moment.

    “We have always been supportive of the Cuba St Carnival and contributed approximately $300,000 last year. The suggested figure of $500,000 was taken out of context and included a much wider range of events that the Council and Cuba St Carnival Collective Trust had been discussing.

    “The Rugby World Cup has been budgeted completely separately from community events and major events. It is absolutely not drawing Council funding from any other events in the city.”

    Nick Simcock, Chair of the Cuba St Carnival Collective, says a decision was made at the last board meeting that is was not feasible for the new trust to run an event of the Cuba Carnival’s scale in its first year of operation.

    “We decided the focus should be on identifying appropriate trustees, building relationships with stakeholders and engaging appropriately qualified staff instead.

    “We think it is in the best interest of Wellington City, the performers and the 150,000 carnival attendees for us to plan for a successful carnival in the longer term rather than compromise its authenticity because we have committed to an unrealistic timeframe in a very difficult financial environment.”

    The steering group for the new trust, made up of representatives from the Carnival and Fringe Trusts, is working with other creative interests, including Wellington City Council, on a long-term strategy to retain and build Wellington’s status as New Zealand’s leading centre for arts events and emerging artists.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cancellation Notice,

    Mr Judd got there before me. Yeah that article just made things murkier including:

    However, Mayor Kerry Prendergast says the council has been in talks about creating an umbrella organisation to run both the Cuba Street Carnival and the Fringe Festival.

    @Giovanni: I meant it sounded more like the organiser's version reported by the DomPost.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cancellation Notice,

    Yes, except this is the council's version as reported by the Dominion Post. Two things that make me a bit skeptic.

    From what I understand it might be the other way around.

    i'm suspicious that the organisers were lacking sponsorship, and went to the council with cap in hand.

    Actually it could be that. Bad economy etc etc means fewer sponsors so they asked the council for a bit more

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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