Posts by dc_red

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  • Southerly: E=mc^2... Your Views, average standard of reasoning or morality...

    The point, I suspect, has nothing to do with reasoning or morality, and everything to do with tossing the baying mob a very juicy cut of meat indeed.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Effectively Friday,

    Ahem: ...recent suggestions to the effect that the 'brave' new PM...

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Effectively Friday,

    Still, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing how TVNZ spins that into "racial tension explodes at Waitangi"...

    It's a relatively minor incident, for sure, but it does cast an interesting light on the Herald's recent suggestions to the the 'brave' new PM (and, indeed, the 'brave' new Leader of the Opposition) are willing to "return" to Waitangi, where Helen Clark feared to tread.

    In addition to a slightly sexist undertone, such reporting rather downplays the idea that there's only so many times someone with a bit of self-respect will be willing to put up with this kind of shit.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Southerly: E=mc^2... Your Views,

    RichyRich (Epsom)

    Look as a Minister I can't recommend breaking a law, but I believe E should. It's just not possible for E to comply with M and C. Some people might frown at me saying this, but M and C have been running roughshod over E for too long.

    Less M and C. More Freedom. Praty Vote Act.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Southerly: E=mc^2... Your Views,

    So lets see if I have this right. They are going to cut funding for the research jobs and hence reduce the number of jobs available...

    And they are going to train more people for those jobs...

    Um - confused

    Heh, not necessarily. The net effect on graduate enrolment might by nil. Students who would previously have been supported through/via their supervisor's research grant will now have a scholarship in their own name instead. That will, in turn, allow the supervisor to complete his/her research on a smaller budget.

    Although there's still a net loss of $40m from the system of course, so the supervisor might just interview his/her keyboard instead.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Southerly: E=mc^2... Your Views,

    Cut all science funding immediately


    The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council will see their budgets collectively reduced by an aggregate $113 million over the next 3 years.

    However, the federal government proposes to spend $71.2 million over 3 years for 500 new doctoral, and 1000 new master's, scholarships under the Canada Graduate Scholarships program - with an unspecified amount set aside for “business-related degrees.”

    Aren't people with "business-related degrees" the ones who got us into this mess in the first place? The social, natural and health scientists are blameless, surely?

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    Vaguely off-topic, but interesting in a "what the hell...?" kind of way: naked 16-year old punk beats crap out of police officer in Pakuranga.

    Not the sharpest tool in the box, the alleged offender stole from the same dairy twice within 6 minutes, before retiring home for a refreshing shower (hence the subsequent nakedness).

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reasons to be cheerful,

    Jake, do you get the ice-encrusted eyelashes thing? That's a real treat when it's below -20C.

    I know what you mean about welcoming those days where it's just hovering around zero. "Ha, no scarf or gloves for me today!", 'That strange yellow orb in the sky actually emits heat ... go figure", etc.

    Now, where could I buy one of those superconducting cable thingees? A length of about 12,100 km should do it.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reasons to be cheerful,

    On a completely unrelated note. I just checked my readouts from my home ventilation system. It is 51.5c in my roof, that's about 125f.

    Steve, could I borrow 30 deg C? The high here today has been -21C. It was -28C when I set out this morning. Eight hours of intermittent exposure to the elements later and I feel like I've been dehydrated and snap frozen for future use.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: It's not OK to just make…,

    Just sticking to public service ads, there are also a lot about health and parenting, exhorting women to breastfeed, get various checkups for the sake of your whanau, don't be afraid to talk to your kid's teacher, give your kids healthy food, ya de ya.

    It's useful to note, too, that this kind of social marketing is usually run at a considerable arm's length from the Beehive. Ministers don't micro-manage the marketing campaigns of ALAC, the Health Sponsorship Council, QuitLine, etc.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

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