Posts by Sam F
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Hobbit, chewy...
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
There is a great middle eastern place near Hell's Pizza on Dominion road that has cheap supplies and nice hummus if you don't feel like making it yourself.
We're surely getting close once again to a priori conceptions of falafel...
Albert-Eden-Roskill voters: candidates Cathy Casey and Glenda Fryer will be out and about in Morningside/Western Springs tonight (starting 5:30 at the corner of Don Croot Street and Western Springs Road).
(reply button did not apply for some reason)
Pretty sure those reply buttons don't auto-quote the post they're part of - they just drop you right down to the box at the bottom of the page.
re: "Brad Pitt conditions", I imagine she means the stereotypical "A-list actor" stuff like an XBox360 with a 42" LCD, and champagne chilled to a precise 10.2 degrees C, in their official trailer; nubile maidens from whose bodies are snorted endless lines of cocaine; eye fillet steak and truffles for lunch and beluga caviar for dinner, etc etc.
I got the TiVo!
Contrary to your imagination, the CGI shit gets coded and rasturbated by real people.
I'd say what I thought I saw when I first glanced at that but I don't want to go lowering the tone.
Suspect it's a nasty mental association from that blue (on multiple levels) Avatar parody that's being talked about elsewhere on the web.
Ha, can only imagine what Kiwiblog will make of that
Could possibly be the maddest thing ever on the internet. Which is saying something.
Hey, I'm all for supporting local efforts and that, but nothing will ever top Time Cube.
Magnificent post at Imperator Fish:
Twenty-seven tyrants and generals speak out against the meddlesome legal profession
a training exercise on September 10 has readied them for the aftermath of a magnitude 8 earthquake...
Predictably spun out on the ChemtrailsNorthNZ blog (Google it, I shan't link) as further evidence of the HAARP earthquake conspiracy.