Posts by Josh Addison

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  • Up Front: I Don't Think it Means What…,

    Actually, now that I think of it, an anecdote:

    My first exposure to "The Mighty Boosh" was a friend sitting me down in front of the live show. Big mistake -- three and a half bloody hours of references and in-jokes I didn't get -- put me off the whole show for years. The situation was compounded by being around fans who would rattle off catch phrases ad nauseam - I've only now started to develop a taste for the season three episodes showing on C4.

    Eventually I was introduced to "Snuff Box", a series by the actors who play Bob Fossil and the guy who ran the zoo in season one. Delightfully surreal and profane, and all the more attractive for having almost no lines that can be quoted as a catch phrase -- all there really is is "*snaps fingers* Whisky!" and "Fuck you".

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Up Front: I Don't Think it Means What…,

    Yeah, in certain crowds, Simpsons quotes form a large part of my crowd's vernacular; web memes in others. There is a nice feeling of togetherness that comes from being able to chant lines of Ben Elton standup in unison, to the... let's say amusement... of onlookers.

    And, yes, there's a downside: not just the exclusion of outsiders, but also the danger of turning into the obsessive pedant who feels compelled to point out how (pop) culturally literate they are by taking pains to identify every reference they come across, real or imagined (see also: every Wikipedia article with a "Cultural References" section).

    It's too late for me (nice "Clue" quote, Robyn), but there may still be time for some of you...

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Sorry, coming a little late to the piece, but it seems to me that the proper response to the idea that being a good mother is a relevant credential for being VP is "no it isn't", not "but she's actually a bad mother"...

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Joys of Unclehood,

    I find I need to eat KFC once every month or two, just to remind me why I don't eat it the rest of the time.

    My cousins used to refer to it as "chunder chook", on account of the number of times they got sick after eating it...

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Innocent Sleep,

    My psychiatrist has me on sleeping pills to adjust my circadian rhythms. Apart from the lingering taste in my mouth, they're glorious things, except they take a good 12 hours to get out of my system, and they make my dreams even more vivid so I don't actually want to wake up.

    Is that melatonin? My doctor tried me on that for a while. It didn't seem to make any difference to my sleeping, but I did get the vivid dreams. The first night I took it I dreamt I was involved in a gun fight between my younger brother and the presenters of Top Gear. Awesome...

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Innocent Sleep,

    The worst bit of insomnia is going to bed exhausted and not being able to sleep.

    Yeah, that's what pisses me off the most. I find it hard to shake the feeling that my body just plain hates me. I'll stumble around all day with a head full of cotton wool, but then suddenly perk up shortly before bed time and spend half the night lying there awake thinking to myself "what the hell -- you just spent all day telling me you wanted sleep, and now you can get some, you're not interested? You contrary bitch!"

    And of course, there's the truism that the best cure for insomnia is the knowledge that it's time to get up -- half an hour before my alarm is due to go off, and now I'm drifting off effortlessly, only to have to prod myself awake again and again...

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Did you see that?,

    I wonder if the likes of Mike McRoberts etc. actually believe that all the scenes in LOTR were real too…

    Indeed - who remembers the Barcelona opening ceremony, and the newsreaders breathlessly informing us later how the flaming arrow never actually landed in the fire? Like they'd have left that in any way to chance.

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Southerly: Wedding Bells,

    Is there anything that isn't better with cupcakes?

    An autopsy? Or maybe not, as long as you managed the crumbs properly...

    Frankly, I have no idea what flavours we had -- I ate one of the chocolate ones and that was it. I didn't touch any of the catered food beforehand, due to nerves. The whole thing had the feeling of putting on a show (like I said above, when you get down to it, it was really for the benefit of everyone else). At least there was someone to tell us the lines, though.

    I totally get that, if you wanted it to be all about you (and fair enough if you did), you'd go for something as small as possible.

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Southerly: Wedding Bells,

    Julie: You're too kind. I suppose I should share with everyone the secret of a successful wedding/CU/whatever ceremony:


    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Island Life: A boycott would do nothing,

    It also helps if your opponent will kindly throw themselves backwards into the chair conveniently located behind.

    The guy starts moving at the point of Bruce's impact -- there's no "throwing" going on there. Still, if you don't believe me, I know a few guys who are capable of demonstrating a one inch punch, if you're keen. They also get their targets to stand in front of a chair (and often hold a phone book over their chests, too...)

    Onehunga, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

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