Posts by Stewart

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  • Hard News: Rolling back the right to silence,

    First they came for the journalists...

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Staying Civil,

    I'm of the opposite persuasion - ban civil unions and let anyone who wants to 'formalise' a relationship get married.

    I oppose the idea that civil unions are for everyone and to leave 'marriages' to church. I got married in a registry office rather than a church (displeasing my f-i-l) and I don't see that marriage is a religious institution.

    Sexual orientation should have no bearing on marriage.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    Thanks, Danielle, you have articulated something that was nagging at the back of my mind about the schism between Gio's and Ben's points of view.

    Let's go for the mid-ground...

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    Himself on a bike... wait till Paula Bennett gets hold of that thought!

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Speaker: John Roughan is Scared,

    I live 'way out west' and commute into Mt Wellington daily. Not ideal but I am allowed to start at 7am and leave at 3:30pm which takes me out of the worst of the traffic. However, it can still be pretty bad even at these so-called 'off-peak' times.

    For an approx 40km drive (there is no viable PT option that doesn't take at least 2 hours each way) it takes about 40 - 45 minutes in the morning (6:05 - 6:45ish) but generally around 1hr going home.

    So the staggered hours thing works for me. When I was working in town it was a 6km drive to the station and an unreliable 1 - 1.25 hrs in the train into Britomart. I understand the trains are much more reliable these days.

    I'd be happy to use PT these days but only if it was cost- and time-effective but there is very little provision for the commute that I have to endure. But for folks working in the CBD and living not too far from the rail corridor, the trains would be a no-brainer.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    I, for one, salute Epsom's Ferengi overlord...

    ...Yeah right.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Southerly: Confessions of a Social Retard,

    Not sure that my "arriving late in the thread" and my "tends to post about twice & then disappear" make me seem socially retarded in this medium; I tend to go OK in face-to-face* situations.

    * Considered poor joke along the "face-to-<other than face>" lines but cunningly withdrew...

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Southerly: Confessions of a Social Retard,

    Probably followed words they knew: nous rhymes with 'louse' and I know how to spell that rather than nous rhymes with 'yous' ("Yous guys...").

    Nice thread - of course I'm now off for a long-distance run...

    For which, I'll need me coat.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Cracker: P is for Politics.,

    "The Whole Hog" it is, indeed. Lovely book.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Cracker: P is for Politics.,

    @Islander - I have a book on pigs by Lyall Watson (I think that's the right name...) - well worth reading.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

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