Posts by recordari

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  • Hard News: Touched by the hand,

    Umm, this feels almost sacrilegious. Oh look, it's my 666 post.
    The things people will do to get on YouTube.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: You Never Forget Your First,

    well it just seems a little cheap and nasty!

    Especially when they go off and become a call girl.


    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: You Never Forget Your First,

    I really, really did that. Web of Fear, it may have been.

    We should start a club. Dr Who. Have couch, will hide behind it.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: You Never Forget Your First,

    Looking through that great link above, I realise Jon Pertwee was my primary Doctor. Tom Baker was more prevalent overall, but Pertwee was first, and I found him kind of reassuring, in a weird sort of way. The world might end, but don't worry, we'll have a nice cup of tea and everything will be fine. Well, at least when you're 7 and hiding behind the couch.

    Weeping Angels? The fear factor doesn't seem to have diminished. Have to move the couch out from the wall.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    I stole this from bFm breakfast.

    US fight Taliban with heavy metal and rock music. Thin Lizzy and Metallica.

    "Some locals complain but it's a way to push them to choose. It's motivating Marines as well," he added after one deafening round of several hours including tracks from The Offspring, Metallica and Thin Lizzy.

    The officer said they also broadcast messages from the Afghan government, as well as threats to the Taliban -- there are no obscenities, "but we tell them they're gonna die", he smiled.

    Reminded me of this;

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A post about art (sort of),

    Let me guess: you spend your day coming up with pub jokes?

    Ouch. Would only be half a joke though, as Mormon's don't drink.

    Badoom, crash (and burn)

    NB: For more on this you could refer to ''.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: McVicar and the media,

    I think there is an argument that the police and prisons are both reactions to a problem, not solutions. We would rather remove the threat to our 'society' from circulation than deal with the underlying issues of inequality, greed, property and so on.

    It's a head in the sand approach. Prevention requires far more integration at all levels of society. Interestingly from an opportunity I've had to listen to some of the gang leaders talking about this, they get it in more real terms than the police or our current crop of ministers. Unfortunately, often when there is a genuine attempt at dialogue, it is met with the reaction 'we shouldn't be having this discussion, because you're a crook, and you should be in jail'. McVicar and co have a lot to answer for inciting this ignorant standpoint.

    I have been hoping for more from Pita Sharples, as he understands this I think. But any gain from that side seems to be cancelled out rather thoroughly by Act on the other.

    Perhaps if you give McVicar a platform, you should find someone who can present the opposing view to go next to him.

    Last week's show was great by the way. Marilyn made me laugh and think in equal measure.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A post about art (sort of),

    Which brings to mind a philosophical question of some significance.

    Is fake art real art until such point as it is discovered to be fake?

    [Where's he gone? All I see is an empty coat rack]

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A post about art (sort of),

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A post about art (sort of),

    I understand what you're saying. However, it seems important to acknowledge when indigenous cultures were in fact victims, and move forward from there. Interestingly when I typed Imperialist Apologist into google, this quote from Mark twain came up.

    Having now laid all the historical facts before the Person Sitting in Darkness, we should bring him to again, and explain them to him. We should say to him: They look doubtful, but in reality they are not. There have been lies; yes, but they were told in a good cause. We have been treacherous; but that was only in order that real good might come out of apparent evil. True, we have crushed a deceived and confiding people; we have turned against the weak and the friendless who trusted us. We have stamped out a just and intelligent and well-ordered republic; we have stabbed an ally in the back and slapped the face of a guest; we have bought a Shadow from an enemy that hadn't it to sell; we have robbed a trusting friend of his land and his liberty; we have invited our clean young men to shoulder a discredited musket and do bandit's work … but each detail was for the best. We know this. The Head of every State and Sovereignty in Christendom, including our Congress and our fifty State Legislatures, are members not only of the church, but also of the Blessings-of-Civilization Trust. This world-girdling accumulation of trained morals, high principles, and justice, cannot do an unright thing, an unfair thing, an ungenerous thing, an unclean thing. It knows what it is about. Give yourself no uneasiness; it is all right.

    Read more:

    Hmm, I'm not so sure.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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