Posts by Raymond A Francis

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  • Field Theory: A moment of national significance,

    To quote The Duke of Wellington it"wasa dammed close thing"
    Apparently he really said
    "Its been a damned nice thing — the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life
    Which does sum the night up rather well
    I was introduced to TAB betting last evening when I turned $18 dollars into $212 with 4 correct choices on a mixture of dogs, trotters etc
    Just a pub thing after a hard day in the sun after manning the gates at a local car racing event
    Just before I doubled the winning and put them in my back pocket (and this is the important point) I was seriously tempted with a bet for the french to win and a under 12 point difference, not sure what we or rather the Collection for the Blind would have made on that

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Winning the RWC: it's complicated,

    Oh yes, in my case some natural ability ( genetic, one cousin an ex-AB and a relation in the present team) but no real interest in sport
    So have the talent but not the desire
    And I know plenty on the other side of the equation who have the desire but not the talent, got to feel sorry for them

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Field Theory: All Blacks v Wallabies Tensionfest,

    Great game with far more open play than I expected at this end of the RWC
    My only problem was the use of the boot by NZ, kicking the ball at this level is just delivering the ball to the oposition hoping they will drop it or knock it on
    It only worked against the aussies because the either kicked back or rather allowd our boys to catch it
    The French almost lost using the same tactic
    It is not a good idea, better to keep it in hand and do the hard yards

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Politics of Absence, in reply to Islander,

    I have heard similar talk, certainly think you could be right on the Maori seats but have my doubts about the National seat as unfortunatly the Labour man is almost invisable
    I am not a betting man but would be prepared to take that leg of the trifecta

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Now it's up to you,

    Great fun and helpful
    The fun part is trying to skew the results to the way you think 'cause I keep get STV as a second option which I thought I didn't like ie the ranking of candidates which I feel is a crock
    More education for me obviously

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Rugby World Cup stories,

    Serious question; how long has that been going on ( the Mexican trumpets before every kick-off), noticed in the earlier games and love it, who said NZers were a passionless people eh
    So much better for those of us who are not at the games when compared with the Mexican wave

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Rugby World Cup stories, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    So who would you like to run the country Steve?
    Elected politicians
    Un-elected lawyers (Judges) who we have trouble sacking
    Bunch of ancients who wrote a constitution that we need a bunch of the above lawyers to tweek to keep it up to-date
    Another bunch of lawyers in another country telling us how to run things
    And I might say that other country would allow the so called "illegal" video recordings to be presented in Court

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Busytown: Sons for the Return Home,

    Loverly writing
    And I think Robyn has nailed it

    "I guess the advice I'd give is to think of it not as "returning home", but rather moving to a totally new country that you've never lived before. Eventually, though, you'll wake up one day and it will feel like home again".

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Speaker: Party Central, structures and silos,

    I was impressed with Len Brown on Q&A yesterday (not my default position) he seemed to take full credit for the so called "disaster" and was not prepared to enter into a slanging match with the Goverment. Now that might because he is looking at the long game but well done that man

    Then I read Tracy Watkins into-days paper and she claims the Government was promised officals on every train carriage and plenty of buses and as we know these were not delvered
    I feel Auckland should have a long hard way things are run and maybe ensure paid officals do what they are paid to do

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Minister's Brain Has Exploded,

    And of course the whole thing only proves what we in the South have always been led to believe "Couldn't run a pissup in a brewery"

    Which as far as I can see is quite unfair, things were not perfect thanks to the huge numbers and the push not to use the roads but no riots and from all accounts huge amount of kiwi goodwill

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

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