Posts by merc

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  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Jen, you'll have to give your husband some words to counter the need to resort to the bash. I was never bored, quite the opposite, I didn't sleep!

    Sheesh. What DO they teach in schools these days....

    This hurt quite a bit I have to confess.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    BTW, I can play at least 5 versions of "C" on my bad gat.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    And do you know, I troubled myself with this throughout my retreat. Eventually I theatered myself so I could get some sleep.

    R. you are now My Master, can I come next time?

    The absurdism is important because I like to think of The T Word as a single-form koan

    How I tried to say this and failed and you nail it in one word (koan), I lost sleep last night over's a poet versus AP Linguistics thing. If I studied linguistic stuff I would never be able to write one word of poetry, and some say I can't, no I lie, that was self gratuitous, I too perhaps will call THEATRE! on myself, though I have learned much and earned nothing.
    Che can have my 5%, it was never about the money in the first place and he did torch the Porsche.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Well I certainly admit to not fully understanding the full nuances of use of 'theatre', but here's my opinion, for what its worth:

    I wouldn't have come out of the gate with this one.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Of course. It's the underwords (sic) that cast the longest shadow and so, the most meaning (for me). To me all the rest, the intellectual, the over-logic (sic) is just so much strange need to attempt straightening the wicked crooked pathways of untidy genius.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Heather, I think at that point you created FINAL THEATRE! a sub-species of the genus THEATRE! One must be careful now for we are being closely watched for crimes against nouns, though hopefully not against lexicon and one would hope that we are granted some license, being that we are creating a new lexicon, a new usage and a brave new world.
    I however must be censured for my using THEATRE! out of context when I described a running thread as great THEATRE! I was in fact using in it's usual noun form and should not have used the now familiar caps and ! Yet, having been owned and schooled, thanks Ben, I will not be taking heed, I am afterall (sic), A Bad Machine.
    I do now understand University Presses publication decisions more fondly following this insight into academia's inner grammar's a proprietory pride thing.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Hang tough Che, it could be a verb, don't worry, your reputation is intact, you're just getting the jitters. R. will be back Monday, he will know what to do. How long have you had this thing for academia? Hamishm, you are right, 25% (my 25%) can make people do strange things. I think we need Simon to daw up a contract and a 12 month business proposal for NZOnAir! funding.
    I need to talk with R.
    I am a little worried that the original band culture that we had when we wrote THEATRE! may be compromised and we may get called sellouts, but to keep the momentum going I think we need to globalize, I for one see a place for THEATRE! at Sundance, maybe BDO, I'm feeling it's a little restricted here in NZ anyway. Christ R. would have to be at an indusrty retreat lock down.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Choice, thanks for that, however when you call THEATRE! on someone's comment, it's because they are being theatrical (overly laden dramatics, hand to brow stuff, doth protest too much), so in that sense it's not like Fire!
    For example,
    Comment: I want to say notwitstanding, that I was joking when I called you are complete witless moron.
    Response: THEATRE!
    It's like an LBW appeal, sort of.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Is it a verb to "make a call" in the context of say,
    She made the call, the ball was out?
    To call down something on someone, like "I call down my wrath upon ye", is that not a verb? Plus in the vernacular, "to call on something" is to pronouce it something other, the "pronounce" bit is surely a verb, neh?
    I thought verbs were action words, noun's namers. I think we may be being hoodwinked out of the franchise Che, I say we stand firm.
    We are not naming the comment THEATRE!, we are call THEATRE down upon the theatre making comment, it is an invocation against the Ghost of THEATRE!.
    Like "break a leg".

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    We're talking hampsters, killer hampsters, the size of cats, they put them down your trousers it's terrible. Look, I'm reasonable, you let R. know that you're from The Agency and we're good, the THEATRE! thing, that's nothing, no more mention of RPG's you know that stuff is traceable on the web, look one day I'll take you for a nice drive in the SEL, out here we go see the forest, it's very nice this time of year, lots of mushrooms for the family, nice.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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