Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    friends of yours huh Sacha ?

    Look around phil. The media does way more vile shit and no one calls them on it and IMHO these gutless hacks deserve it...

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    Sorry Sofie but i don't have a sleeve to show you. i do have some old dragons, hungover from drunken clueless youth times, that have faded heaps as i had 2 sessions to remove them but am now thinking of just getting them covered over.

    Yours looks like a lovely work in progress and i hope you never regret getting them.

    and now my last rant on the Kurariki affair until post court date.

    I 'm thinking it's probable due to their "victim" status and closed media ranks protecting their insider status that they will get name supression.

    What i'd love to do, in true guerilla fashion, is attend the court dates, get their names, wait outside with a ghetto ass camera crew, shove it (the camera and mic) in their faces and fire off a shitload of questions like these...

    Excuse me, but were you aware he was under a media ban and by consenting to interview him you forced him to break his parole conditions ?

    Were your bosses aware you couldn't quote him ?

    And why did your bosses send 2 women ?

    Did you really not have an exit strategy when you visited him in case he got violent ?

    In hindsight was that wise ?

    What were you wearing that day ?

    Were you showing any cleavage ?

    Did you discuss anything sexually related about his time in jail ?

    Did you lead him on by doing anything that might have led him to act out a fantasy ?

    Why didnt you say anything to him when he allegedly got his penis out ?

    What sort of woman condones that sort of behaviour in a professional setting ?

    Did it turn you on knowing you had got him aroused ?

    ...then blog it with photos and youtube the standard media frenzy line of questioning.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    My luxuries are changing all the time. At the mo, it is the sleeve of Tattoos I am doing as a therapy.

    OK ya got me now. show me yours and i'll show you mine :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    I swapped a choice, old public works electric clock for a pair of classically stunning, barely worn in, black ankle zipped, Venezuelan leather, winkle picker boots. You might be rich, but these boots will kick your boots arse and when combined with blacker than black skinny jeans and black suede jacket, makes for a withering combo !

    They say you can tell a lot about a person by the shoes they wear and apparently, according to my teen kids, its the first thing they look for in the opposite sex. Me...i've always had a shoe fetish, maybe my kids inherited 'that' gene.

    Last time i was in Wellington, i was sitting at a cafe, as you do, where there was a low fence blocking peoples feet from view as they walked past. I sat there for ages picking out what footwear they'd be wearing before they stepped out from the fence. Mostly i was on the money but for the ones i weren't, i'd look at them and think ewwww...y'all need a fashion footwear makeover.

    There's immutable laws of complementarity and no excuse for bad taste, so i reckon theres some inverse law of wealth vs bad taste, where the more removed you are from street fashion/lifestyle, the worse your taste in clothes are. Take high fashion for instance, its a joke on rich people to make them look ridiculous while paying shitloads for the privilege.

    The emperors new clothes are actually just re hashed versions of older fashion by kids who cant afford new clothes...but you didn't hear it from me ;)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    I've always enjoyed 'junking' for retro clothes and what not, but i've noticed there doesnt seem to be much good shit out there and a lot more people getting in first

    maybe cos they dont make stuff as good as they used to, or stuff costs more, or people aren't throwing away as much good stuff or most of it goes to trade me now but whatever...i'm getting a little disheartened

    and i too feel optimistic about the future but only me and mine :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    I wonder whether it is in the nature of peaceful society to gradually become more rigidly hierarchical, and that violence will always be our safety valve against the Iron Law of Oligarchy. Whether that violence is internal or external.

    And of course its human nature to want the best for your kids and to create a dynasty, for them not to suffer but in doing so you may be depriving them of skills/lessons they need to survive and evolve.

    Theres lots of rebels without causes around at the moment and revolutions needed without anything to fill the vaccuum afterwards.

    If only it were as simple as waiting for a messiah and a promised better afterlife.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    Funny that Ben, but as a polynesian outside the royal breeding lines the best other way to improve your lot and marry well was to prove yourself in battle also.

    I think a certain amount of selfishness is needed to become rich but theres no need to be greedy about it afterwards.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    Lucky for us they didn't sterilize the poor back in the day then. There'd be no one around except the bluebloods and God knows what sort of mutants they'd be by now ;)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Summer!,

    The Nelson pub crawl sounds choice. I do loves me some sweet micro brewed beers.

    i been putting off using my christmas pressie chainsaw to good effect in piling up wood for winter but not for much longer. The last few nights we've had to sleep with the window closed in our room and i even contemplated throwing another blanky on the night before.

    Been making the most of the tides and sun coinciding for regular swims and paddles with the kiddlies, but it still hasnt stopped me from putting on about 5kg of padding since i stopped working, and my lady started. It's probably my cooking. She's all exotic and refined, i'm all 3 meat and veg plus i'm the better baker :)

    Musically and strangely, i dont have a soundtrak for the summer and rather than try and keep up with the trainspotters, i've been going after classic 'best of' compilations from my youth. The latest one being 'Kool and the Gang' with 'Earth Wind and Fire' next on the hit list. Whatever happened to the big black funky ass band ?

    Can't wait to shoot some late autumn pics. Summer light in Nelson is harsh and flat, see what i mean...

    ...and to get the good light it's either sparrow fart or late in the PM, at which time i usually have other things to do than bust out the camera.

    Haven't quite adjusted to the oldest daughter not being around, doing the things eldest kids do to keep the others in line. Shes chuffed though having scored a 2IC job in a fashion shop in chur chur and i'm chuffed she's bucking the jobless poly yoof stats. What with the way courses are getting chopped, it might be fortuitous to hold off on selecting tertiary studies.

    As for me, I think i need to join a gym eh...

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    All true under normal circumstances, but these victims were sent to get a story knowing he was damaged goods. It's basically entrapment.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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