Posts by Don Christie

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  • Hard News: The Arguments,

    I'm basically pro-choice about ordinary smacking

    Me too. When I was a kid though, no one consulted me about my choice. Seemed to be a bit of a one sided choice to me.

    David, I am a little concerned about the Pinochet in a bath thing. Sounds like something for Ian Wishart to "investigate", no? Maybe you can send him photos to print.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Itinerary packed, bags not…,

    Cuba Carnival - still rocking but I am home now.

    Review of the early bands...

    Kora - 2nd time seen in two weeks. Last time out was at X-Air. Putting the "whuk" back into Whackatane - I gather. Rocking good band.

    Yoots - first time out, classic Ska. The best, hopefully they'll get together again.

    Solaa - missed most of their set. Hiphop, pop. Pretty good as well.

    The Mint Chicks - christ, every band in every pup and SU bar in my yoof played like these guys, for better or worse, usually worse. 30 minutes nostalgia was enough, not enough safety pins or phlegm around for the true flahback kick.

    Missing The Phoenix Foundation about whom I have only heard good things.

    This music critic stuff is a lark. Russell, if you can magic up a couple of tickets to Fat Freddie's gig at the basin I will be happy to do a repeat for PA.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Auckland Earthquake - Some Mistake Surely?,

    Neil, who said Aucklanders lack vision. I have heard that Trevor Mallard would like it in the same location as the proposed stadium.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Auckland Earthquake - Some Mistake Surely?,

    Was kinda hoping it was Wellington slipping into the ocean. Sad to say its still there


    Jeez, is Sean Plunket going to spend all morning sneering about softy Aucklanders freaking out about earthquakes?

    All good stuff. I find that volcanic time bomb Auckland is sitting on terrifying.

    I was hoping it would give Aklers and appreciation of the daily risk to life and limb that we run down here to keep the country ticking along. No more sneering about long socked bureaucrat's with their noses in a trough, please. Those are survival socks, double as sleeping bags, tourniquets and emergency water filters.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Testify!,

    Ben, maybe, it it is obviously under constant review. For example:

    Chapter 272, Section 103. Repealed, 1993, 279.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Testify!,

    The worst kind of secular education system would be one that ignored religions entirely, as if they did not exist.

    Which is exactly what is not being asked for, by anyone other than certain religious denominations who would rather be in more control over what *is* taught about their particular faith.

    You have done the same as equating atheists with secularists.

    Not teaching people about different belief/philosophical systems and their historical and current context would be a travesty. Pretending, however, that a morning prayer, a friendly chat with your local bit of cloth and hymns is the same thing is simple dissemination.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Testify!,

    One thing that annoys me in this whole debate is the way secularism seems to get deliberately equated to atheism, especially by folks trying to ensure little Jonny says a prayer every morning.

    As someone pointed out, a secular government ensures that cults like the EBs don't get persecuted or dominated by other larger cults, like the Anglicans.

    The idea that secular == atheist needs stomping on, it is bad and misleading.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: I'll cry if I want to,

    Don, if you're relying on the Council (ratepayers) to prop up your business you're madder than I am.

    Am I? Well, let me tell you that Wellington CBD being totally cabled by 1997 was an important factor in our business survival. The city council had a part to play in that.

    Less directly, having pavements, streets, lighting, and closed sewer systems helps some as well (check out Ng's last post from India). Being a vibrant, eventful place makes Wellington quite attractive to people I would like to work here too. As well as great kiwis we attract great people from all over the world.

    Quite frankly merc, if you don't have similar expectations and you are in business, I think the madness pointer should be reversed.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: I'll cry if I want to,

    Why do we want the Council to put on events at all?

    Are you serious? If so, how about - so that rate payers, you know businesses like bars, hotels and cafes, can make more bucks.

    I could think up a few more platonic reasons but you don't seem interested in quality of life arguments, just hard cash.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: I'll cry if I want to,

    Why the fuck am I paying a for-profit entertainment business huge sums from my taxes when urgent, universally-needed infrastructure goes begging?

    What infrastructure is going begging? Everytime I visit Auckland there is a new motorway or railway station being built. New hospital going up here in Welly along with a soon to be completed bypass to Mt. Vic tunnel (don't ask).

    And if this and other tournaments raises more for the country as a whole is that not a worthwhile investment? More money for infrastructure available? And why is entertainment capacity not valid infrastructure? And since when did sport become such a bad thing?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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