Posts by andrew llewellyn

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  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    I actually remember the very first episode EVER! I had mumps at the time. And the first doctor had this really neat alien technology (although we didn't know that yet) light.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    Ahem. Liked. And it was nothing to do with the length of his skirt.

    The 2nd Doctor was my favourite anyway.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    I always like the guy they rescued from Culloden

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Forward humans,

    I'll give you more nuts in exchange for your car.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Speaker: Seven Good Reasons,

    Saw the nuts - nicely bagged

    Strictly utilitarian - they hang drying in those bags for 3 months. I plan to get nicer ones for similar occasions to the Hustle.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Speaker: Seven Good Reasons,


    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feckless Solutions,

    I suspect it would stay the same - but then I've always womdered, if it costs $92k each year to keep an offender in prison, would they behave if we let them out & just gave them say, $80k a year? Win/win, surely?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Speaker: Seven Good Reasons,

    Those nuts are pro. They know what they're doing.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Stories: Bastards I Have Met,

    Mid 1980s (conceivably shortly before the 1984 election - because the "Continuance Club" was active at the time & met to commemorate that MP Keith Someone who fell over on his way home to Thorndon one night, and we were the anti-temperance lobby.)

    I digress.

    The bastard was a soccermate of one of my flatmates. His team mates called him "Reptile". You may or may not be astonished to discover he was a lawyer...

    Meanwhile, another flatmate, a very short & slight guy we affectionately called "Rambo", scored at a party with a woman whose name I cannot recall, but my memory uncharitably categorises as a "double bagger". Anyway...

    Some weeks after that Reptile made it known to one and all that he too, has scored the lady in question. The things you never wanted to know that people tell you eh?

    Some weeks after that yet another flatmate of mine played a grand joke on several of her friends, including flatmates, with letters on stolen letterhead. Including from "the clinic".

    Rambo went silent on receipt of bogus advice from "the clinic" that he had contracted an STD. Because it transpired he had received similar, official advice. Foolishly he told someone.

    One night (Wednesday) at a Continuance Club meeting at the Brunswick Arms at which Reptile, Rambo, I & all my flatmates were present, including the young lady who made free with her favours...

    Reptile announced to the entire bar that Rambo had the clap.

    Rambo, outraged, shouted over the head of the woman "Well... so do YOU!"

    To which Reptile boomed out "I wore a condom".

    Oddly, the woman didn't bat an eyelid, maybe she didn't realise they were talking about her.

    No doubt Reptile is prospering somewhere these days.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Speaker: Seven Good Reasons,

    See? Hours of fun with 4 letter words. I do hope they make it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

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