Posts by Luke Williamson

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  • Hard News: The Public Address Word of…,

    I also nominate twatcock because 1) it was coined by one of our own 2) it is a multipurpose word suited to all situations and occasions 3) I am innately scatalogical.

    I'm feeling a bit icky at the thought of a scatological twatcocks - I mean, where have they been!!!

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Address Word of…,

    Contagion - for the economically-minded
    Dikshit - for the entertainment weekly crowd

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Doing Science in Court,

    George, that is a great link.
    I had to apologise to my children on Saturday night for swearing at the TV news (my own fault for watching it). The, let's say, 90 second story about the Aussie election was made up of 30 seconds of horse race and 60 seconds on Tony Abbot wearing Speedos. Arrrrrrrgh!
    I actually presume that this level of reporting will be applied to the CSC case as well and the public will be left thinking that NIWA are a bunch of fibbers because there's no time or inclination to understand and explain the case in the modern news format.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Local Heroes?,

    Tom is in a shitty mood today.

    Bradford was a Green MP. I would like to think no Labour politician would have have handled the issue with her inept arrogance.
    Section 59 IS a classic example of the liberal "sneering 'we-know-best' arrogance". Not because it was wrong, but because of how it was handled. The so-called party of the people was hurtled headlong into a confrontation with almost 100% of it's base support. And why? Because Sue Bradford was an arrogant MP who couldn't be bothered doing anything other than treating anyone who disagreed with her like a piece of shit on her shoe, until it was to late.

    Your reaction shows that it is all about your feelings towards Sue Bradford rather than what was a relatively simple bit of legislation. I have a feeling that the so-called "arrogance" may have just been Sue getting tired of people focussing on her rather than the legistlation.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Changing the News,

    Exactly! TV3 also guilty but not quite as bad in my experience. Making yourself the news is not a good look.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Changing the News,

    I sincerely hope that TVNZ goes for improved quality. While on holiday last week, we were in a bach that only received TV1 and TV2 so I had to watch TVNZ news. I had forgotten how appalling it is. Way too many meaningless crap stories and way too many self-promoting stories, e.g. new revelations (yawn) about Robin Bain that will be featured in the Sainsbury programme up next. Then reporting on those revelations in the news again the next day and promoting Sainsbury again. Hideous. And the NZ Herald style of starting stories with "As reported by TVNZ last week . . ." or "As revealed by TVNZ yesterday . . ." Piss off! Hope I never have to watch their stupid news programme again.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: PEDA: Who, what, where, why,

    Pardon diversion but this is quite amusing and mentions our good friend Russell Brown.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gushing for Auckland,

    I'm saying that I don't particularly appreciate people trying to sell inexperience as "freshness". As if being a public servant, elected or otherwise, was somehow disqualifying. So, if you ask us if this bloke should get less of a look because he's inexperienced, my answer would be yes. Which is not to say that he won't or shouldn't win, just that experience in local government is actually an asset.

    Yip, agreed that experience is a good thing. I guess I just see John Banks and, to some degree, Len Brown as having a bit too much experience, i.e. the darker side of envy, greed, power, etc. that comes with being in politics too long.
    In a sense, the whole Supercity package is being sold to us on "freshness". "Hey, let's all try the new model cos the old one was crap!"
    If we're going to have a fresh new city (and, yes, I know it's just the same old one with all its joys and downfalls), why not have a fresh new mayor?
    I'm not going to vote for John based on his previous experience - his prior works are why I'm NOT going to vote for him.
    Len I'm still in two minds about.
    Apologies for use of CAPS - don't know how to do italics.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gushing for Auckland,

    Is Len Brown vile now? Wow.

    You're just teasing me now Giovanni. Both you and Steve Withers are implying that the only options are the devils you know. Perhaps I have a fundamentally naive idea of council workings whereby I envisage someone with a bit of imagination and flair being able to express that in their mayoralty. Perhaps all that optimism just gets buried in the first week. However, being new to the SPECIFIC world of council workings shouldn't immediately mean someone is incapable of being a good leader.
    BTW, computer seems to be choking on Public Address constantly today. Is it just me?

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gushing for Auckland,

    So no matter how vile, as long as they have previous experience . . .

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

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