Posts by Tess Rooney

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  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    Yes, and the mother - who is obviously *not* innocent - deserves the added pleasure of gestating and giving birth to her rapist's child.

    Of course the mother is innocent.

    Being a woman who isn't on contraception I have often wondered what I would do if raped and got pregnant, and I still couldn't kill my own child because of what his/her father had done.

    Any way, back to protests and harassment. Does everyone here know about John Yoo? He gave evil legal advice to the Bush administration regarding torture, ie. torture away.

    Now protests are being held outside his home and fliers are being distributed to his neighbors alerting them of the criminal who lives among them.

    This is the kind of tactic that has been deplored when it involved doctors that perform abortions. How do you feel about it being used against John Yoo? In this case I'm sure you will join me in saying that what Yoo did in his professional life was morally wrong, although seemingly legal in America.

    Should Yoo be treated this way by protesters?

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    (trivialising a murder as part of a terrorist campaign because we don't likey teh abortionz)

    If you're directing that comment at me, I don't think it's a very fair one.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    I know you don't agree with the actions of his killer; the real issue here is not the right or wrong of abortion - its about the murder of Dr Tiller.

    Yes, you are right. Although the conversation has veered off a bit into the wider implications of his murder.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    So there *may* be six doctors instead of three, for a country of three hundred million.

    There were 13,310 late-term abortions for 2005 (1.1% of 1.21 million), and 8% of abortion providers offered abortions at 24 weeks, so that's 143 providers out of 1787 doing late term abortions.

    I also wonder if early inductions are being counted as abortions. I know they are in New Zealand, but I don't know if that is true for the US. But that is purely a conjecture on my part.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    It seems I wasn't the only one suspicious of the claim that only three doctors in the US would perform late term abortions.

    This is from a pro-life website:

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    Anyway, Re your own points, since you made them:
    1) isn't that directly addressed in the article?
    2) so just apply it to rape then: do you concede abortion is legitimate in the case of rape? I am of the view that this thought experiment remains uncountered when it comes to abortion due to rape (but not necessarily otherwise).
    3) Eh?

    1. it sure is, I was going to state that but I thought it was obvious :)
    2. No, I don't concede for rape since I think that the fetus is an innocent person who deserves to live.
    3. I know this is contentious, but I do think that mother and child have a special relationship. A woman aborting isn't just killing a person, but her own child. The violinist didn't have any relationship to the person charged with being hooked into life support.

    Suppose rather than a violinist, it was a 6 year old child who needed the 9 months of life support from his or her own mother? I know I would do that for my children, heck I'd likely do it for a perfect stranger. I don't think I could stand back and allow someone to die when I could save them.

    I've always been pro-life, even when I wasn't religious. I've just always considered them babies. Tiny little baby beans inside their mummy. To me they are tiny little precious lives.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    As far as they're concerned right to life stops at the US border.

    Yeah... :(

    A large amount of Catholics voted for Obama, and whilst I would never have voted for him because of his abortion policy (I wouldn't have voted GOP either because of economic and foriegn policy) I was really hoping he would do good in the Whitehouse.

    But... the drone war in Pakistan is happening under Obama, and then there is the Detainee Photographic Records Protection Act. Signing to close Guantanamo was an excellent step, but it seems to be coming to nothing for some detainees. Obama's speech at the National Archives where he talked about "prolonged detention" for people "who cannot be prosecuted for past crimes, in some cases because evidence may be tainted, but who nonetheless pose a threat to the security of the United States." really bothered me.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    Steve: not that thought experiement in particular, but I see a few issues with it.

    1. the killing/letting die thing
    2. the mother and father created the fetus by choosing a fetus creating action - sex (except in rape)
    3. the relationship between mother and child

    Anyways, I'm not going to change my position on abortion, so how's about we just walk away from that debate, if that's ok.

    Yes, I agree its not on. How would Tess like it if me and my mates hung around outside her church holding large photos of human genitals with gonorrhea and herpes.

    I'm assuming this is due to the Catholic Church's position on not using condoms? I'll reply as though it is.

    If someone was going to follow Church teaching on only having sex within marriage, then they aren't going to need to use condoms to protect against gonorrhea and herpes.

    Why do we expect people to follow the Church on condoms use, when they ignore the Church on the actual having sex bit?

    But aside from that, if the protesting with giant STI photos is legal, then I'd have to put up with it wouldn't I? There's certainly been protests outside churches before in America, so I suppose it isn't even a theoretical question.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    So am I, but an embryo or feotus is not yet a human being, so abortion is not "killing a human being", it's killing a collection of cells that have formed inside a human being.

    I disagree with you. I think we are ourselves since conception since that is when our unique self came into being. I mean really I'm still just a bunch of cells, I don't think my location (ie. outside my own mother) or abilities make any difference to my uniqueness or my humanity.

    Out of interest, at what week of pregnancy would you not allow an abortion? Because after 30 weeks baby is very viable.

    But I agree with you about euthanasia. I too have worked with dying people - the elderly with dementia as a nurse aid. I fear that euthanasia would be a way to allay the family's sufferings rather than the elderly person.

    I also agree about plenty of pain relief, even if it shortens life is fine by me. I'd like to see more resources given to hospice care rather than euthanasia.

    The danger with legal euthanasia is that many people will make their family members their priority, rather than themselves.

    I completely agree.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    The Army of God definitely gets the terrorism label and whilst they are anti-abortion, they are definitely not pro-life by definition.

    And yes, The Army of God website is very graphic. I do have mixed feelings about photos and footage of aborted fetuses though. Part of me thinks, well yes, this is what an abortion is. OTOH it is disrespectful to the baby, its body deserves respect and not to be plastered all over the internet.

    I definitely disagree with publically displaying these images. I would hate for my children to see them. It's just not appropriate to publically display them.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

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