Posts by Ian Dalziel
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Alas in wondering land...
Man, that Farage is a graceless oik (after watching his taunting tirade in the European Parliament in the last few days - the soccer hooligan party) and Cameron calling for Corbyn to stand down - when did we pass through the Looking Glass? -
Speaker: The Government you Deserve, in reply to
At least they admit it in Britain…
... and enquire as to whether one knows one's place!
Saying there is “some constituency” that doesn’t support him is a massive understatement. At the last count I think over 40 of his MPs resigned from shadow cabinet/spokesperson roles.
One gets the impression that many of these new 'Labour' MPs don't have a hell of a lot to do with their constituents or local party members. Blair created a lot of wannabes...
Speaker: A Disorderly Brexit, in reply to
Whip it good!
Actually it was just a smutty one-liner.
I geddit ( I was thinking you Wellingtonians call it the Dom)
I'll plead a bad cold relapse for my cloth ears,
everything else is blocked as well... -
from pillage to post...
Looks like the 'Leavers' are salting the wells and trying to obliterate their tracks... are so dumb they haven't even heard of the wayback mchine it appears
having said that this still seems live and what a typo riddled amateur hour job this is too...I guess the silver lining of Britain being beaten by Iceland in the Euro Football league is that UK fans won't have to travel to Europe on their dropping pound exchange rate...
Polity: Four cents on Brexit, Fonterra,…, in reply to
If it’s of interest...
...backatcha - this book may well be grist to your mill (and Babbage's!):
Music and the Making of Modern Science
By Peter PesicOverview
In the natural science of ancient Greece, music formed the meeting place between numbers and perception; for the next two millennia, Pesic tells us in Music and the Making of Modern Science, “liberal education” connected music with arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy within a fourfold study, the quadrivium. Peter Pesic argues provocatively that music has had a formative effect on the development of modern science—that music has been not just a charming accompaniment to thought but a conceptual force in its own right.
Auckland Library doesn't have a copy (for shame!) but you could get it on interloan maybe from Chchch...
otherwise AUT has the E-book if you have access. -
Speaker: A Disorderly Brexit, in reply to
Peris cope….
Need to point out that the Dom has subs…
But as I understand they are hamstrung by Fairfax’s ‘Right First Time’ policy where journalists copy goes direct to page, virtually unmediated, with subs barely given time to throw a heading on it (though I hear the journalists are allowed to do those too… aaargh!) – perhaps The Dominion Post has been a valiant hold out.
Can you elucidate on the current process and flow?
PS: Hi Frank!
PPS: some fine subbing on The Dominion Post web page today
Wellington needs to make sure it economy was diverse enough have the ability to respond to financial shocks like the Global Financial Crisis and the more recent uncertainty created by Brexit.
Wade-Brown said the city also needed the tools to large increases in unemployment or people going to food banksthat last sentence needs a cope with or similar inserted.
I just like stuff I read to make sense and not have needless ‘clunks’ throwing me out of the narrative flow
Just sayin’…
:- ) -
Polity: Four cents on Brexit, Fonterra,…, in reply to
Tales of Two-Fisted Polymaths!!
Okay, a diversion. ...
...and a damned fine diversion it is too - just perfect for a sick-abed biped... thank you for this.
The 'Economy Model' reminds me of NZ's own
"MONIAC (Monetary National Income Analogue Computer) also known as the Phillips Hydraulic Computer and the Financephalograph..."
Polity: Four cents on Brexit, Fonterra,…, in reply to
what a difference a machine makes…
Have to wonder what some of those earlier artists could have done with computers.
Babbage in, Babbage out…
Polity: Four cents on Brexit, Fonterra,…, in reply to
Bang, Bang...
And it’s not like the UK makes anything we can offer to buy in return –
Hasn't Gerry Brownlee got a 20 Billion budget to buy war stuff, and doesn't the UK make a lot of those sorts of things (6th biggest exporter in 2014) ? course they'll want to leave a few dollars here by getting a few of Alan Gibbs Aquadas... and it'd be a nice thank you for his keeping Act afloat to rule Epsom, maybe... -
Polity: Four cents on Brexit, Fonterra,…, in reply to
A good proportion of Fonterra’s current access to EU markets was granted as a continental concession in the 1973 negotiations for the UK’s EEC membership.
…and perhaps something Matthew Hooton forgot to look into when he damn near created Fonterra all by himself back at the turn of the millennia - or was that merely “helped with the formation of Fonterra” - (This reading of his CV may contain exaggeration and hyperbole…)
At 28, he played a lead role in the government relations and communications programmes that led to the creation of Fonterra, becoming the company’s first head of communications, managing the announcements of all senior executives, the first election to the Board of Directors and announcements of new ventures with partners in Europe, North and South America and India.
I wonder if ‘Exceltium’ and ‘Smile-and-wavium’ are are much like P – as in Phosphorous – it’s what’s left when you boil all the piss and wind away…
*Cartoon source: