Posts by JP Hansen

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  • Hard News: The Clamour to Cringe,

    Damn you and your quicker draw on the 'Post Reply' button.

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Clamour to Cringe,

    Time to make a domain grab for, etc...

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Clamour to Cringe,

    Well, yes, of course. But I prefer to believe that there's some new underground phenomenon, extreme sport, sexual term or street drug that up until now I've been blissfully unaware.

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Clamour to Cringe,

    "Kiwi bamping" the number 9 kiwi search?

    I feel like I'm missing out on something.

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Radiation: Making a list,

    I'm finding Californication hilarious. Very witty lines. The only thing is I keep thinking it's an hour long and then it wraps up in 30 and I'm always, Huh?

    And then the exact same right after with 30 Rock (Thank you TV3 for bringing it back!) - Settling in for an hour of laughs, and it's all over.

    Final of Conchords tonight too. Damn I'm gonna miss that.

    Picked up Ewan Macgregor and Charley Boorman's 'Long Way Round' motorbike trek across the Northern Hemisphere series on DVD (I completely missed it on NZ TV, no doubt it was on at 11pm or something). It's bloody entertaining - it's not often I get feelings of jealousy when watching TV, but this series certainly brings it on.

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Looking for Monsters,

    I love the way the only menu options are greyed out, because they're for paying customers. If the uncrippled product wasn't so crap maybe I would pay.

    What pissed me off is that when I upgraded to the latest Quicktime (bundled with iTunes), my old QuickTime Pro is gone, and now I have to pay again to upgrade the latest version into Pro.

    Yes, I was given fair warning that I would lose the Pro features on upgrade, it was the nagging by iTunes that finally made me give in. Still annoyed by it. It's not like the QT 6.x to 7.x (or whatever it was) is any great leap forward either, at least as far as I can tell.

    Russell, your post was the first I'd heard of Cloverfield. Looks pretty cool, I usually wait for the DVD for any blockbusters I wish to see, but this one I might just head to the theatre for. Only about 8 weeks away too!

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fake Fiona Rae,

    I caught this excellent skit last week. Given the Xtra issues lately makes it all the more funny.

    24: The Unaired 1994 Pilot
    (Jack Bauer saves the world with AOL 3.0.)

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spammer until proven innocent,

    Had a look at mintshot yesterday. I *wish* it was tic-tac-toe you played for the minor prizes!

    You play the 'game' for the minor prizes. It's more akin to minesweeper, but with no clues given out when you click a spot. 30 spots on a grid, randomly placed Xs and ticks. Keep clicking until you get an X. The person with the most ticks at closing wins the prize. Each 'game' costs $20 of the Mint dollars or whatever.

    So it does indeed come down to who has the most time to waste.

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,

    Sorry if it's already posted. leading with

    Hacker targets Herald free speech poll

    Oh noes! Someone stuffed the ballot...

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    Off topic sorry, but ... wtf!?

    Drug dealers targeting children with P-laced milkshakes

    By BELINDA FEEK - Waikato Times | Saturday, 27 October

    Children as young as nine are becoming addicted to P as dealers think of new ways to broaden their market.

    And in a disturbing new trend targeting young people, Hawaiian drug expert Gary Shimabukoro said P or methamphetamine was now being eaten, mixed with soda or made into milkshakes to give out a "steady buzz"...

    Where, in Hawaii? Maybe P is being consumed in milkshakes, but it's a stretch to jump to the conclusion this is to hook 9 years olds one would think.

    Waitakere • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

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