Posts by william blake

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  • Hard News: "Meth contamination": the…,

    The head of the Napier real estate assoc is on record as saying there is a specialist investment market for P contaminated houses, apparently using the contamination as a bargaining lever to buy the houses for cheaps.
    #stateassetselloff #undeservingpoor.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: RNC 2016: A literal shitshow,


    A.Eger Leintz 1902. Austrian painting captures the spirit of the following decades.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: RNC 2016: A literal shitshow, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Trump the bright reflector of their image

    Pond scum?

    Septic tank.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: RNC 2016: A literal shitshow, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Ian I was just pondering that myth in relation to this madness. A friend sent a link to that Trump quote about the Republican voters being stupid and would believe all / any of his bullshit. This makes the Republicans Narcissus and Trump the bright reflector of their image, next to appear; Nemesis.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: Strange times with Starboy,

    Hamilton took one for the team there, a bong of Phenylacetylindoles then a meeting with Peter Dunn's bow tie.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sprawled out,

    “Call the fire brigade, report a pyroclastic event”

    There aren’t any active volcanoes on the isthmus in the geological sense. However there is activity to stop development around the Otuataua volcanic stonefields. Partly because it would drown one of the last living papakianga in the country, partly because it will cut the papakianga from its (volcanic) maunga and partly because of the incredible archeological significance of the area.

    Fortunately the proposed development is one of the governments special housing areas so it’s being land banked which gives a different government the opportunity to stop the desecration.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Polity: Australian election: Dust and Diesel,

    Election slogan perhaps "the only thing missing from Labor is U".

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Polity: Post "post-truth" post,

    Isn’t it just that the lies have changed? It used to be self serving politicians lying about what is best for the country, then it was ssp’s lying about a third way and the centre ground, now it is ssp’s lying to a shrinking middle class about aspirational maintainance of wealth, property and employment in a society with areas of economic liquefaction. The lies are going to become more shrill and strident as the wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. Then there are the self serving voters who lie to themselves.

    Or community serving politicians are going to point out a blinding, self evident truth to the majority of detruthed voters and effect real change.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Government you Deserve,

    God, now blaming the North for resurrection of a zombie Thatcherism, as if it ever went away.

    The Tory government ran a referendum to scupper the racist thug Ukip vote, assuming it would be a clear win for remain. The referendum shows there is a deeper antipathy in the UK, beyond racism. The real problem is that the next general election is not until 2020 when real change could occur. However the conservatives rearrange their constituent parts the monster is unlikely to address the fundamental inequalities of the current age.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Government you Deserve, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Sunderland was my old home town in blighty and the NY Times seems to miss a couple of important points as well as contradicting its own stats. The EU take of the 'small' sum of £8b compared to its largesse, to the community,of £450m over six years, is obviously disproportionate and while the funds may not trickle North from Westminster the anomaly is obvious.
    To blame Sunderlands recession squarely on global competition in the passive sense is forgetful; to say China can do it cheaper than the poor North ignores the political system which cracked very strong unions and forcibly closed the mines and steel yards that provided the wherewithal for the shipbuilders.
    Nothing good may come of Brexit for Suderland but then Northeners do like to share their misery about.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

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