Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: This one's for Don,

    Nope works fine.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: WTF(riday),

    I love it - only a true Waikato man would check to see if a bottle that smacked him in the head was still drinkable. Solid effort there, fella.

    Best check it was beer in there though

    What a cool name! I can easily see "The Flying Cephalopods" as the opening act for "The Rolling Stones"

    Whipped and the Cricket to play the closing set.

    I'm envisaging a really bad country act...

    I love Fridays.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: WTF(riday),

    but I've seen rink staff have to remove a dead octopus from the ice (how the fans got that in, I have no idea).

    That's an old Detroit thing. They do it all the time. Fans probably smuggle them in watermelons.

    Australia are getting whipped and the cricket

    Don't correct it, that's hilarious

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: WTF(riday),

    Is anyone else in the sporting doldrums?

    After re-reading my post I realised that I am. If it wasn't for the World Series and the NFL every Monday/Tuesday I'd be very bored by the current sports crop.

    We’d also heard mention of it, but we decided that it would only be worse if we went out and told the fans they were absolutely not allowed to throw dildos on the ice,” said AIK club head Mats Hedenström.
    Making the day of all professional sport administrators...

    And the poor guy they sent out to sweep them all up. Do you think they let him keep them? Did they give them to charity?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: This one's for Don,

    Whew, I'm glad because tomorrow I pick up Rock Band and the only thing on my TV this weekend is going to be a virtual version of me, rocking out.

    What? To Little River Band?

    Actually Amy informs me that Boston is downloadable...sigh.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: This one's for Don,

    Thanks Hadyn, that makes up for everything, with interest.

    Whew, I'm glad because tomorrow I pick up Rock Band and the only thing on my TV this weekend is going to be a virtual version of me, rocking out.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: This one's for Don,

    To be fair, a lot of Cantabs feel the same way about Mr Marshall, Leg Break.


    nah, I don't really care. As a BoP supporter I have a vague dislike of Canterbury but I really hate Auckland (and to certain extent the other two "Bays")

    I don't think it's stink at all that the Aussies lost. Go India!

    Just to check, nobody thought I was actually commiserating for the Aussies did you?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: This one's for Don,

    Must be the most loved team in the competition.

    I thought kewt widdle Hawke's Bay was everybody's darling this year?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: This one's for Don,

    Though the Cantabs do have their vision deficiencies...just the semi's & final are being played under lights???

    Goodness, that'll take some digestion. Makes me think I should've called the post "one for Jon" :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: This one's for Don,

    Well, I suppose everyone should have a hobby

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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