Posts by Tinshed
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Sounds like bitch slaps all round. Sigh.
I think you have it exactly right. It is so hard to imagine America voting as President someone, in the form of McCain, who makes Winston Peters look like the epitome of intelligence, gravitas and sincerity. Very hard. I believe America is in decline: the question is: how much. If McCain is elected, then we will know for sure the decline is terminal. If it is Obama, well, there is some hope. (Look at the pictures at and tell me the faces aren't full of hope.) The wise cynics amongst us [e.g. LegBreak], amongst us will gladly point out that Obama is full of platitudes, etc. Well, whatever: he is an order of magnitude better than anyone else on offer. He is an intelligent, articulate and sincere person. We need him. Plain and simple.