Posts by Nat Websta
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My entire youth would be a tale of neglect nowadays
Ha, mine too! We used to play this game, me and the gang of kids in my street, called 'kick the can'. It was a rather complicated version of go-home stay-home that involved hiding in a bush clad reserve next to my house, at night. Oh, the potential horror!
This summer in Auckland has been a cracker. As much as I've loved the long hot days that we've had, I've enjoyed the lush, warm nights we've had just as much. It's such a joy to be able to sit outside on the deck of an evening without having to rug up in the winter woollies, listening to the riotous chorus of crickets, and smelling the summer-night fragrances. Magic.
One regret: I didn't get to the beach enough. But an absolute highlight was going out to Motuihe Is last month to participate in the volunteer reforesting project which is going on out there. Our gulf islands are so beautiful, and it was so great to go out there and enjoy a summer's day, while feeling like we were doing something worth while.
It's correct scientifically but it's also completely misleading to people who don't typically think of a water wave as a surging wall of water with a 100 km wavelength of force behind it that won't slow down and stop as it comes up the beach.
This is a really good point, as noted. It's also pertinant to remember that 1 cubic meter of water weighs 1000kg. So it's not just that the water is moving, or that there is a massive volume of it, it's that it has an enormous mass which will push all before it (including trucks, shipping containers, trees etc etc).
A friend in the wine industry tells me that the vinyards will actually take back the corked bottles (or bottles otherwise oxidised / tainted thru no fault of the consumer), and replace them at no cost to the retailer - be that a liquor store, restaurant or what ever. Therefore, there is never an excuse from your retailer NOT to take the wine back because it doesn't hurt them monetarily to do so.
And the time they get caught out is seldom the first offence
Or the last offence. A friend of mine was hit on in a very aggressive fashion by Ropati a couple of months ago. When the case came to light in the media, we were astounded to find out that at the time he was saying very nasty things to my friend in a bar, he was actually awaiting trial for sexual assalt. And my friend reckons that there was narry a wedding ring in site that night. So I too am absolutely mistified as to what his wife thinks she's getting by staying with this guy.
But remember folks, he's always been very respectful to women...
Good luck should any quirkier 'oriental' traits make themselves known...
What, like drinking from the toilet bowl if we've left the lid up, stealing neighbour's socks or small soft toys, sucking on woollens, preferring not to sit on one's lap but rather burrow up one's jumper, activly seeking to be put into the sheet that one is trying to fold and get swung around the living room...?
Tonkinese cats are a blast :-)
it doesn't mean that people who actually think stop caring about the other travesties that are happening in the world just the Dom says that's what's most important today.
That was pretty much my point.
Personally, I'm more troubled that we're squinting past murderous state homophobia (because, after all, there's no homosexuality when all the fags and dykes are dead) as long as the regimes involved keep buying plenty of good Kiwi butter and lamb. That's worth a little more righteous indignation than Bill English's son's crass and offensive Bebo page.
I couldn't agree more. There are about 5 billion evil and unjust things happening in the world as we speak, but they're all put on the back burner to agonise over the stupid, purile and ignorant rantings of a 14 year old. I absolutely agree that the boy needs a clip upside the head from his dad, in private, followed by some words on not being such a biggoted little fool and keeping his dumb-ass views to himself. But do we really need to waste so much ink and angst on this??
Was listening to the b this morning when Bill English was talking to Havoc, and I got a bit of a fright when I agreed wholeheartely with something Bill had to say.
His comment about 'Christian' parties was that the folks who are in them are generally those who are imbued with a highly developed sense of righteousness. And it is this righteousness that prevents them from being able to take on board anyone elses point of view or work with anyone else, ergo, makes them fairly useless polititians.
I reckon he has a point.
Mind you, the clubbers of the land are heaving a collective sigh of relief at the prospect of the tidal wave of liquored and BZP'd up North Shore wigga boys and their natural prey the Epsom Girl's Grammar party frock crew that has been threatening to engulf clubland receding back to the Viaduct and Queen Street.
Amen to that.